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Emergency registration form
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KreativeThinker committed Apr 9, 2024
1 parent ba73fc9 commit be90eae
Showing 1 changed file with 151 additions and 146 deletions.
297 changes: 151 additions & 146 deletions src/routes/register/+page.svelte
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,156 +2,161 @@
import Glass from '$lib/components/Glass.svelte';
import Section from '$lib/components/Section.svelte';
import { base } from '$app/paths';
import Input from '$lib/components/Input.svelte';
import Onboard from '$lib/components/Onboard.svelte';
import Register from '$lib/components/Register.svelte';

<title>Register for FOSSit '24</title>

<!-- Bad practice -->
<img src="{base}/logo.png" class="m-auto mb-12 h-24 w-24" alt="FOSSit Logo" />
<h1 class="mb-16 text-center text-4xl xl:text-7xl">Register for FOSSit ‘24</h1>
class="absolute left-0 top-0 -z-10 box-content h-full w-full overflow-clip xl:top-[-12rem] xl:pb-[calc(100vh-693px)]"
src="{base}/assets/Asset 1.png"
class="gradient absolute left-1/2 top-64 -z-10 w-[512px] max-w-lg translate-x-[-50%] rotate-[50deg] !brightness-75 xl:w-[768px]"
<!-- <Section> -->
<!-- <!-- Bad practice -->
<!-- <img src="{base}/logo.png" class="m-auto mb-12 h-24 w-24" alt="FOSSit Logo" /> -->
<!-- <h1 class="mb-16 text-center text-4xl xl:text-7xl">Register for FOSSit ‘24</h1> -->
<!-- <div -->
<!-- class="absolute left-0 top-0 -z-10 box-content h-full w-full overflow-clip xl:top-[-12rem] xl:pb-[calc(100vh-693px)]" -->
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<!-- stroke="white" -->
<!-- stroke-width="20" -->
<!-- stroke-linecap="round" -->
<!-- /> -->
<!-- </g> -->
<!-- </svg> -->
<!-- <div class=" m-auto h-fit text-left xl:mt-4 xl:text-center"> -->
<!-- <h2 class="text-2xl text-foreground">Solo Registration</h2> -->
<!-- <h4 class="text-sm">Register as an individual</h4> -->
<!-- <h4><b>INR 150</b></h4> -->
<!-- </div> -->
<!-- </a> -->
<!-- </Glass> -->
<!-- <Glass> -->
<!-- <a -->
<!-- href="" -->
<!-- class="flex h-full flex-row space-x-4 xl:w-full xl:flex-col xl:space-x-0" -->
<!-- > -->
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<!-- d="M38.727 183.899C40.0529 181.353 42.6886 179.833 45.5594 179.833H121.288C127.414 179.833 131.435 186.507 128.83 192.051C119.996 210.857 104.767 248.721 104.503 286.75C104.5 287.302 104.052 287.75 103.5 287.75H11.0835C10.5312 287.75 10.0831 287.302 10.087 286.75C10.4016 241.92 31.7378 197.321 38.727 183.899Z" -->
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<!-- stroke="white" -->
<!-- stroke-width="20" -->
<!-- stroke-linecap="round" -->
<!-- /> -->
<!-- </g> -->
<!-- </svg> -->
<!-- <div class=" m-auto h-fit text-left xl:mt-4 xl:text-center"> -->
<!-- <h2 class="text-2xl text-foreground">Duo Registration</h2> -->
<!-- <h4 class="text-sm">Register as a team of two</h4> -->
<!-- <h4><b>INR 250</b></h4> -->
<!-- </div> -->
<!-- </a> -->
<!-- </Glass> -->
<!-- <Glass> -->
<!-- <a -->
<!-- href="" -->
<!-- class="flex h-full flex-row space-x-4 xl:w-full xl:flex-col xl:space-x-0" -->
<!-- > -->
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<!-- d="M282.026 133.125C286.106 126.06 292.188 120.362 299.506 116.754C306.823 113.146 315.046 111.788 323.134 112.853C331.223 113.918 338.814 117.357 344.948 122.737C351.082 128.116 355.483 135.193 357.594 143.074C359.706 150.954 359.433 159.284 356.811 167.009C354.188 174.735 349.334 181.509 342.861 186.476C336.389 191.442 328.589 194.378 320.448 194.912C312.307 195.445 304.19 193.553 297.125 189.474" -->
<!-- stroke="white" -->
<!-- stroke-width="20" -->
<!-- /> -->
<!-- <path -->
<!-- d="M209.974 133.125C205.894 126.06 199.812 120.362 192.494 116.754C185.177 113.146 176.954 111.788 168.866 112.853C160.777 113.918 153.186 117.357 147.052 122.737C140.918 128.116 136.517 135.193 134.406 143.074C132.294 150.954 132.567 159.284 135.189 167.009C137.812 174.735 142.666 181.509 149.139 186.476C155.611 191.442 163.411 194.378 171.552 194.912C179.693 195.445 187.81 193.553 194.875 189.474" -->
<!-- stroke="white" -->
<!-- stroke-width="20" -->
<!-- /> -->
<!-- <path -->
<!-- d="M246 256.25C353.01 256.25 358.458 367.046 358.735 378.326C358.749 378.878 358.302 379.25 357.75 379.25H134.25C133.698 379.25 133.251 378.878 133.265 378.326C133.542 367.046 138.99 256.25 246 256.25Z" -->
<!-- stroke="white" -->
<!-- stroke-width="20" -->
<!-- stroke-linecap="round" -->
<!-- /> -->
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<!-- d="M399.625 337.168L389.699 338.384L389.699 338.385L399.625 337.168ZM268.285 258.011L260.9 251.269L248.492 264.859L266.646 267.876L268.285 258.011ZM352.217 338.25L342.61 341.029L344.7 348.25H352.217V338.25ZM317.75 245.75C345.916 245.75 363.371 264.312 374.499 286.788C385.622 309.254 389.073 333.276 389.699 338.384L409.551 335.952C408.834 330.104 405.05 303.418 392.423 277.914C379.8 252.419 356.989 225.75 317.75 225.75V245.75ZM275.67 264.754C285.966 253.477 299.437 245.75 317.75 245.75V225.75C292.878 225.75 274.303 236.589 260.9 251.269L275.67 264.754ZM266.646 267.876C313.944 275.736 333.946 311.08 342.61 341.029L361.823 335.471C352.177 302.13 328.21 257.832 269.924 248.146L266.646 267.876ZM398.644 328.25H352.217V348.25H398.644V328.25ZM389.699 338.385C389.001 332.686 393.563 328.25 398.644 328.25V348.25C404.909 348.25 410.393 342.825 409.551 335.951L389.699 338.385Z" -->
<!-- fill="white" -->
<!-- /> -->
<!-- <path -->
<!-- d="M223.714 258.011L225.354 267.876L243.508 264.859L231.099 251.269L223.714 258.011ZM92.3741 337.168L82.4484 335.952L82.4484 335.952L92.3741 337.168ZM139.783 338.25V348.25H147.3L149.389 341.029L139.783 338.25ZM174.25 245.75C192.563 245.75 206.033 253.477 216.33 264.754L231.099 251.269C217.696 236.589 199.121 225.75 174.25 225.75V245.75ZM102.3 338.385C102.926 333.276 106.377 309.254 117.5 286.788C128.628 264.312 146.084 245.75 174.25 245.75V225.75C135.011 225.75 112.2 252.419 99.5769 277.914C86.9492 303.418 83.165 330.104 82.4484 335.952L102.3 338.385ZM93.355 328.25C98.4366 328.25 102.998 332.686 102.3 338.384L82.4484 335.952C81.6061 342.824 87.0901 348.25 93.355 348.25V328.25ZM139.783 328.25H93.355V348.25H139.783V328.25ZM149.389 341.029C158.054 311.08 178.056 275.736 225.354 267.876L222.075 248.146C163.789 257.832 139.823 302.13 130.177 335.471L149.389 341.029Z" -->
<!-- fill="white" -->
<!-- /> -->
<!-- </g> -->
<!-- </svg> -->
<!-- <div class=" m-auto h-fit text-left xl:mt-4 xl:text-center"> -->
<!-- <h2 class="text-2xl text-foreground">Trio Registration</h2> -->
<!-- <h4 class="text-sm">Register as a team of three</h4> -->
<!-- <h4><b>INR 350</b></h4> -->
<!-- </div> -->
<!-- </a> -->
<!-- </Glass> -->
<!-- </div> -->
<!-- </Section> -->

<div class="mt-4 flex flex-col space-y-4 xl:h-96 xl:flex-row xl:space-x-4 xl:space-y-0">
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<svg viewBox="0 35 370 300" fill="none" xmlns="" class="max-w-64">
<g opacity="0.5">
d="M105.727 219.899C107.053 217.353 109.689 215.833 112.559 215.833H257.441C260.312 215.833 262.947 217.353 264.273 219.899C271.263 233.321 292.599 277.92 292.913 322.75C292.917 323.302 292.469 323.75 291.917 323.75H78.0835C77.5312 323.75 77.0831 323.302 77.087 322.75C77.4016 277.92 98.7378 233.321 105.727 219.899Z"
<div class=" m-auto h-fit text-left xl:mt-4 xl:text-center">
<h2 class="text-2xl text-foreground">Solo Registration</h2>
<h4 class="text-sm">Register as an individual</h4>
<h4><b>INR 150</b></h4>

class="flex h-full flex-row space-x-4 xl:w-full xl:flex-col xl:space-x-0"
<svg viewBox="0 0 370 300" fill="none" xmlns="" class="max-w-64">
<g opacity="0.5">
d="M38.727 183.899C40.0529 181.353 42.6886 179.833 45.5594 179.833H121.288C127.414 179.833 131.435 186.507 128.83 192.051C119.996 210.857 104.767 248.721 104.503 286.75C104.5 287.302 104.052 287.75 103.5 287.75H11.0835C10.5312 287.75 10.0831 287.302 10.087 286.75C10.4016 241.92 31.7378 197.321 38.727 183.899Z"
d="M160.727 183.899C162.053 181.353 164.689 179.833 167.559 179.833H312.441C315.312 179.833 317.947 181.353 319.273 183.899C326.263 197.321 347.599 241.92 347.913 286.75C347.917 287.302 347.469 287.75 346.917 287.75H133.083C132.531 287.75 132.083 287.302 132.087 286.75C132.402 241.92 153.738 197.321 160.727 183.899Z"
<div class=" m-auto h-fit text-left xl:mt-4 xl:text-center">
<h2 class="text-2xl text-foreground">Duo Registration</h2>
<h4 class="text-sm">Register as a team of two</h4>
<h4><b>INR 250</b></h4>

class="flex h-full flex-row space-x-4 xl:w-full xl:flex-col xl:space-x-0"
viewBox="80 100 330 300"
<g opacity="0.5">
d="M282.026 133.125C286.106 126.06 292.188 120.362 299.506 116.754C306.823 113.146 315.046 111.788 323.134 112.853C331.223 113.918 338.814 117.357 344.948 122.737C351.082 128.116 355.483 135.193 357.594 143.074C359.706 150.954 359.433 159.284 356.811 167.009C354.188 174.735 349.334 181.509 342.861 186.476C336.389 191.442 328.589 194.378 320.448 194.912C312.307 195.445 304.19 193.553 297.125 189.474"
d="M209.974 133.125C205.894 126.06 199.812 120.362 192.494 116.754C185.177 113.146 176.954 111.788 168.866 112.853C160.777 113.918 153.186 117.357 147.052 122.737C140.918 128.116 136.517 135.193 134.406 143.074C132.294 150.954 132.567 159.284 135.189 167.009C137.812 174.735 142.666 181.509 149.139 186.476C155.611 191.442 163.411 194.378 171.552 194.912C179.693 195.445 187.81 193.553 194.875 189.474"
d="M246 256.25C353.01 256.25 358.458 367.046 358.735 378.326C358.749 378.878 358.302 379.25 357.75 379.25H134.25C133.698 379.25 133.251 378.878 133.265 378.326C133.542 367.046 138.99 256.25 246 256.25Z"
d="M399.625 337.168L389.699 338.384L389.699 338.385L399.625 337.168ZM268.285 258.011L260.9 251.269L248.492 264.859L266.646 267.876L268.285 258.011ZM352.217 338.25L342.61 341.029L344.7 348.25H352.217V338.25ZM317.75 245.75C345.916 245.75 363.371 264.312 374.499 286.788C385.622 309.254 389.073 333.276 389.699 338.384L409.551 335.952C408.834 330.104 405.05 303.418 392.423 277.914C379.8 252.419 356.989 225.75 317.75 225.75V245.75ZM275.67 264.754C285.966 253.477 299.437 245.75 317.75 245.75V225.75C292.878 225.75 274.303 236.589 260.9 251.269L275.67 264.754ZM266.646 267.876C313.944 275.736 333.946 311.08 342.61 341.029L361.823 335.471C352.177 302.13 328.21 257.832 269.924 248.146L266.646 267.876ZM398.644 328.25H352.217V348.25H398.644V328.25ZM389.699 338.385C389.001 332.686 393.563 328.25 398.644 328.25V348.25C404.909 348.25 410.393 342.825 409.551 335.951L389.699 338.385Z"
d="M223.714 258.011L225.354 267.876L243.508 264.859L231.099 251.269L223.714 258.011ZM92.3741 337.168L82.4484 335.952L82.4484 335.952L92.3741 337.168ZM139.783 338.25V348.25H147.3L149.389 341.029L139.783 338.25ZM174.25 245.75C192.563 245.75 206.033 253.477 216.33 264.754L231.099 251.269C217.696 236.589 199.121 225.75 174.25 225.75V245.75ZM102.3 338.385C102.926 333.276 106.377 309.254 117.5 286.788C128.628 264.312 146.084 245.75 174.25 245.75V225.75C135.011 225.75 112.2 252.419 99.5769 277.914C86.9492 303.418 83.165 330.104 82.4484 335.952L102.3 338.385ZM93.355 328.25C98.4366 328.25 102.998 332.686 102.3 338.384L82.4484 335.952C81.6061 342.824 87.0901 348.25 93.355 348.25V328.25ZM139.783 328.25H93.355V348.25H139.783V328.25ZM149.389 341.029C158.054 311.08 178.056 275.736 225.354 267.876L222.075 248.146C163.789 257.832 139.823 302.13 130.177 335.471L149.389 341.029Z"
<div class=" m-auto h-fit text-left xl:mt-4 xl:text-center">
<h2 class="text-2xl text-foreground">Trio Registration</h2>
<h4 class="text-sm">Register as a team of three</h4>
<h4><b>INR 350</b></h4>
<Register />

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