News about cats. Generated by Code for America fellows.
This was created because a bunch of 2014 fellows were posting cat news from each of our cities on a Facebook group, and someone requested a map.
It lives here.
Follow these easy steps!
- If you don't have it yet, download the Chrome Extension. If you're not using Chrome, see directions below.
- Fork this repo.
- Click over to the catnews.geojson file in your fork.
- Click the button that is now above the map.
- Pan/zoom the map to wherever the news article is from, approximately.
- Click the map marker icon in the left column and place a point on the map.
- Fill in each of the fields: link, headline, description, date. Please keep the description to one sentence.
- When you're done, push the Save button at the top.
- Make a pull request and I'll merge it.
- See your article added to the map at CatNews!
That's fine. You just have different instructions.
- Fork this repo.
- Go to
- In the top right corner, click login. If it says your GitHub username and there's an option to logout, you are obviously logged in.
- At the top of the page, click Open.
- Click the GitHub tab in the area on the right.
- Click through until you get to catnews.geojson.
- Follow instructions above starting at step 5.
- Moving from manual GeoJSON additions to a Google form -> Google spreadsheet -> tabletop.js -> geojson mode.
- Making it look not crappy.
- Getting zoom to feature on click to work correctly.
- Marker clustering.
- Pan bounds.
- Keyword search.
- Temporal search.
Bring it on! Make a pull request! Open an issue! I am particularly crappy at design, so if anyone wants to make it look pretty, go ahead. If you're unfamiliar with GitHub's functionality and wish to email me directly, I'm [email protected] or @lyzidiamond on Twitter.