Boost your server community with exciting giveaways!
mGiveaway seamlessly integrates Discord and Minecraft,
allowing you to create engaging giveaways, set custom rewards,
and automatically deliver prizes to winners in-game.
- Discord Integration: Slash commands for easy giveaway creation & management in Discord.
- Automated Giveaways: Schedule start/end times for fully automated giveaways.
- Configurable Requirements: Permissions, Groups/Roles (Vault), PlaceholderAPI values.
- In-Game Rewards: Automatic execution of commands for winners.
- Customizable Embeds: JSON configuration for rich Discord embed messages.
- Dynamic Placeholders: Embeds update with time left, entries, winners, etc.
- Giveaway Reminders: In-game broadcasts to notify players.
- Statistics Tracking: Track entries and wins.
- Extensive Text Config: config.yml for messages, UI text, etc.
- Update Checker: In-game notifications for new versions.
- Spigot: 1.17+ [Paper recommended]
- PlaceholderAPI: 2.11.6+
- Vault: 1.7+
- Download & Install: Get mGiveaway-VERSION.jar from GitHub Releases and place in /plugins folder.
- Restart your server
- Configure Discord Bot in config.yml:
- Create Bot at Discord Developer Portal.
- Get Bot Token ("Bot" tab).
- Paste Token into in plugins/mGiveaway/config.yml
- Configure config.yml for:
- prefix: In-game prefix.
- broadcast_interval & broadcast_message: Giveaway reminders.
- settings (token, status, activity, channels, etc.) - Token & giveaway_channel REQUIRED.
- customization.
-, giveaway_end_embed, log_embed: JSON Embed customization (use Discord Embed Builder).
- messages: All text messages.
- giveaways: Define giveaway settings & requirements.
- Reload Plugin: Use /mgwreload or restart server.
Use /create_giveaway (default) to create giveaways.
/create_giveaway name: prize: minecraft_prize: duration: winners: command: requirements:
- name: REQUIRED: Internal giveaway name.
- prize: REQUIRED: Formatted prize description (Discord).
- minecraft_prize: REQUIRED: Plain-text prize (in-game broadcast).
- duration: REQUIRED: Duration string (e.g., 2d 30m).
- winners: REQUIRED: Number of winners.
- command: REQUIRED: First reward command (%player% placeholder).
- requirements: OPTIONAL: true/false (if the giveaway start should wait for requirements)
See the example giveaway configuration (giveaways.5Diamonds) in the config.yml for a template. Key configuration options for each giveaway defined under the giveaways section:
- settings: - Settings for the giveaway
- scheduled_start: (Optional) Date and time to automatically start the giveaway at a future time. Format: dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss (24-hour format). If not set, the giveaway starts immediately (or when manually forced).
- end_time: REQUIRED: Date and time to automatically end the giveaway. Format: dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss (24-hour format).
- winners: REQUIRED: The number of winners for this giveaway.
- commands: REQUIRED: Reward commands (%player%).
- prize_formatted: REQUIRED: Discord prize description.
- minecraft_prize: REQUIRED: In-game prize text.
- requirements: (Optional)
- group: Vault Group/Role.
- <group_name>: value: true/false, formatted.
- permission: Vault Permission.
- <permission_node>: value: true/false, formatted.
- placeholder: PlaceholderAPI value.
- <placeholder_name>: over: <number> or under: <number>, formatted.
- group: Vault Group/Role.
After making any changes to the config.yml file, remember to use /mgwreload in-game to reload the plugin.
Sometimes, the plugin pauses itself because of runtime errors. To restart it just reload it ;)