🚀 Fullstack Developer 🌐
- 🔭 Currently Working On: Expanding my frontend skills with a focus on Angular and Material Design, while deepening my knowledge of RxJS and full-stack development.
- 🎮 Latest Project: UserSphere
A CRM application built with Angular and Material Design, featuring role-based dashboards, user management, profile settings, and statistics. This project showcases my skills in frontend development and integrates authentication with JWT. - 💼 Recent Project: JOIN Web App
A task management app designed for visualizing task statuses and responsibilities. Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Git, and Firebase as part of my training program, it honed my skills in building responsive, dynamic applications.
- Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in JavaScript and TypeScript
- Expanding my Angular and SCSS expertise
- Working with Linux and Debian on Raspberry Pi, setting up Ubuntu Server, and configuring Nginx to explore web server capabilities and improve deployment skills.
- Express for building REST APIs and backend applications
- Advanced Node.js concepts for scalable server-side development
- MongoDB for database design and integration
- Deployment workflows using Docker and Nginx
- Backend testing and API workflows with Postman