Bifrost-backups is a powerful tool designed to simplify backup setup in production environments. Set it up once, and let it handle your backup needs effortlessly.
- Database (PostgreSQL, SQLite3, etc.) → Dump
- Dump → Cipher
- Ciphered Dump → Upload
- Apply Retention Policy
- Cleanup
- Search registered storage
- Download latest backup (or specified version)
- Decipher backup
- Restore database
Clean up backups older than the defined retention period (default: 21 days, configurable per storage)
> bifrost-backups
Backup solution for PostgreSQL, SQLite3
bifrost-backups [command]
Available Commands:
backup Execute the backup operation
help Help about any command
register-database Register a new database
register-storage Register a new storage
restore Execute the restoration operation
retention Execute the retention policy operation
update Check if a new version is available
--disable-update-check Disable auto update checking before execution
-h, --help Help for bifrost-backups
-t, --toggle Help message for toggle
-v, --version Version for bifrost-backups
-y, --yes Auto accept manual questions (y/n)
Use "bifrost-backups [command] --help" for more information about a command.
> bifrost-backups backup [flags]
-h, --help Help for backup
--name string Database name
- All registered databases:
bifrost-backups backup
- Specific database:
bifrost-backups backup --name dev
> bifrost-backups restore [flags]
--backup-name string Backup name on your storage solution
-h, --help Help for restore
--name string Database name
--storage-name string Specify a storage (uses the first found if not specified)
- Restore using the first found storage:
bifrost-backups restore --name dev
- Restore using a specific storage:
bifrost-backups restore --name dev --storage-name default
> bifrost-backups retention [flags]
-h, --help Help for retention
--name string Database name
- Execute retention policy:
bifrost-backups retention --name dev
> bifrost-backups register-database [flags]
--cron string Backup cron (default "0,30 * * * *")
-h, --help Help for register-database
--host string Database host (default "localhost")
-i, --interactive Use interactive mode
--name string Database name
--password string Database user password
--path string Database path (SQLite3)
--storages string Storage names, e.g., "s3AWS,s3Azure,s3GCP" (default "default")
--type int Database type (1: PostgreSQL, 2: SQLite3)
--user string Database user
- PostgreSQL:
bifrost-backups register-database --type 1 --name dev --user dev --password mySuperC@mplexPassWord --host --storages default,s3AWS
- SQLite3:
bifrost-backups register-database --type 2 --name dev --path ~/project/db/project.db
> bifrost-backups register-storage [flags]
--access-key-id string Access key ID
--access-key-secret string Access key secret
--account-id string Account ID
--bucket-name string Bucket name
--cipher-key string Custom cipher key (AES256 32bits) or leave empty to generate one
--endpoint string Endpoint
-h, --help Help for register-storage
--name string Storage name (default "default")
-i, --no-interactive Use interactive mode
--path string Path for local storage output (default "~/bifrost-backups")
--region string Storage region (default "auto")
--retention int Backup retention period in days (default 21)
--type int Storage type
- S3:
bifrost-backups register-storage --type 1 --name s3AWS --access-key-id myAccessKey --access-key-secret mySecretKey --bucket-name myBucketName --region myRegion
- Local storage:
bifrost-backups register-storage --type 2 --name localStorage --path ~/bifrost-backups
We welcome contributions from everyone! Here's how you can contribute:
- Fork the repository
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix
- Make your changes and commit them
- Push your changes to your forked repository
- Create a pull request to the 'develop' branch of the main repository
Please see the CONTRIBUTING file for more details.
Bifrost-backups is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more details.