a linux tcp/udp server framework
- How To install
Download this zip file,then extract it,use ./make to compile the files ,then it will produce two files : libeasyserver.a and libeasyserver.so ,one for static lib and the other for dynamic. Then use ./make install to install these libs,and the path is /usr/local/bin.
- run the example
After you install the libs,you also need to install libevent 2.0.22 and boost library,then you can run the command below to compile the example
g++ -std=c++11 -w main.cpp -levent -leasyserver -lboost_thread -lboost_system
- APIs
3.1 tcp listener
For building a tcp listener,you need create a TcpPacketHandleCb instance ,
TcpPacketHandleCb(tcppackethandle_cb hc,int p,bool tph=false,bool ar=true,tcppacketlen_cb lcb=NULL,int l=-1,tcppacketsendresult_cb rcb=NULL,tcpconnclose_cb ccb=NULL,tcppacketsendresult_cb2 rcb2=NULL){
handlecb=hc; //a callback that will handle the tcp data
lencb=lcb; //a callback that will split the tcp data into application data packet
port=p; //listening port for tcp listenner
threadpoolhandle=tph; //application packet handled by threadpool worker or receiver worker
len=l; //the least num of bytes that can calculate the whole length of application data packet
autorelease=ar; //the buffer that used to hold the tcp data bytes released by framework or by hand
resultcb=rcb; //a callback invoked when you send someting to client
closecb=ccb; //a callback that will be invoked when the tcp connection ends
resultcb2=rcb2; //not used for now
3.2 udp listener
For building a udp listener,you need create a UdpPacketHandleCb instance ,
UdpPacketHandleCb(udppackethandle_cb c,int p,bool acf=true/* ,bool cap=true */){
cb=c; //a callback that will handle udp packet
port=p; //listening port for udp listener
autoclosefd=acf; //the buffer that hoding the udp packet released by framework or by hand
/* captured=cap; */