This is a proof-of-concept AI-focused DSL that demonstrates:
- A simple grammar for tensor operations.
- A basic parser and AST.
- A runtime that executes tensor operations in Python.
- A naive automatic differentiation example for demonstration.
Clone the repo:
git clone cd stynx
Install dependencies.
Run an example:
python -m synx.cli examples/
Try the gradient test:
python -m stynx.cli examples/
- Refine the parser and AST
- Enhance the automatic differentiation engine
- Add GPU/TPU integration and concurrency primitives
- Transition Python-based runtime to LLVM/MLIR backend
- Implement reference-counting memory model
- Add concurrency primitives (parallel_for)
- Expand autodiff to handle more complex neural nets
- Export to ONNX
PRs and issues welcome!