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Terraform Google Chainguard Account Association Module

Terraform module to connect Chainguard to your Google Cloud Platform project.

This module is needed if you're using Chainguard Enforce and:

  • Your containers (along with potential signatures and SBOMs etc) are in a private GCR registry
  • Your signatures are created via Google KMS
  • Your using managed (i.e agentless) clusters in GKE


This module binds an Enforce IAM group to a GCP project. To set up the connect in Enforce using the CLI run:

export ENFORCE_GROUP_ID="<<uidp of target Enforce IAM group>>
export GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER="<< project number >>"
export GCP_PROJECT_ID="<< project id >>"

chainctl iam group set-gcp $ENFORCE_GROUP_ID \
  --project-number $GCP_PROJECT_NUMBER \
  --project-id $GCP_PROJECT_ID

Or using our (soon to be released publically) Terraform provider

resource "chainguard_account_associations" "example" {
  group = "<< enforce group id>>"
  google {
    project_id     = "<< project id >>"
    project_number = "<< project number >>"

To configured the connection on AWS side use this module as follows:

module "chainguard-account-association" {
  source = "chainguard-dev/chainguard-account-association/aws"

  enforce_group_id = "<< enforce group id>>"

How does it work?

Chainguard Enforce has an OIDC identity provider. This module configured your GCP project to recognize that OIDC identity provider and allows certain tokens to bind to certain IAM roles. In particular it allows:

  • Our policy controller to bind to a role that gives us read access to your GCR registry to check signatures
  • Our policy controller public key read access to your KMS keys to validate KMS signatures
  • Our agentless controller to list and describe GKE clusters if using managed clusters

This access is restricted to clusters and policies you've configured at or below the scope of the Enforce group you configure.


No requirements.


Name Version
google n/a
google-beta n/a


No modules.


Name Type
google-beta_google_iam_workload_identity_pool.chainguard_pool resource
google-beta_google_iam_workload_identity_pool_provider.chainguard_provider resource
google_project_iam_member.agentless_gke_read resource
google_project_iam_member.cosigned_gcr_read resource
google_project_iam_member.cosigned_kms_pki_read resource
google_project_iam_member.cosigned_kms_read resource
google_project_iam_member.signer_cert_requester resource
google_project_service.iamcredentials-api resource
google_service_account.chainguard_agentless resource
google_service_account.chainguard_canary resource
google_service_account.chainguard_cosigned resource
google_service_account.chainguard_signer resource
google_service_account_iam_member.allow_agentless_impersonation resource
google_service_account_iam_member.allow_canary_impersonation resource
google_service_account_iam_member.allow_cosigned_impersonation resource
google_service_account_iam_member.allow_signer_impersonation resource
google_project.provider_default data source


Name Description Type Default Required
enforce_domain_name Domain name of your Chainguard Enforce environment string "" no
enforce_group_id Enforce IAM group ID to bind your AWS account to string n/a yes
google_project_id GCP Project ID. If not set, will default to provider default project id string "" no


Name Description
provider_id GCP identity provider pool configured for Enforce


Terraform module to connect Chainguard Enforce to your Google Cloud project







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