Simple header-only C++ ini parser and generator.
- Header-only.
- Both parsing and generating.
- Wide character support for native unicode on Windows.
- Default section support (similar to Python's ConfigParser).
- Interpolation support (i.e. variable substitution, similar to Python's ConfigParser).
- Trailing comments support.
- Simple design and implementation.
- Permissive MIT license.
#include <fstream>
#include "inipp.h"
int main() {
inipp::Ini<char> ini;
std::ifstream is("example.ini");
std::cout << "raw ini file:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "ini file after default section and interpolation:" << std::endl;
int compression_level = -1;
inipp::get_value(ini.sections[""], "CompressionLevel", compression_level);
std::cout << " compression level: " << compression_level << std::endl;
return 0;
To include in a cmake project:
FetchContent_Declare(inipp GIT_REPOSITORY
target_link_libraries(MyTarget PRIVATE inipp::inipp)
The section is set to the empty string.
Every line is read from the file and trimmed from whitespace.
If line is empty or starts with
then nothing happens. -
Otherwise, if line starts with
then section is changed to the string between[
. If line does not end with]
then an error is reported. -
Otherwise, if line contains an
sign, then all characters before=
are treated as variable and all characters following=
are treated as value. Both are trimmed. If the variable was already assigned earlier, an error is reported. Otherwise, the corresponding assigment is added to the section. -
Otherwise, the line is reported as an error.
Insert every variable from the default section into every other section, without overwriting existing variables.
- Locally within each section, every occurrence "${variable}" is replaced by "${section:variable}".
- Every occurrence of "${section:variable}" is replaced by its value.
- The previous step is repeated until no more replacements are possible, or until the recursion depth (by default, 10) is reached.