Version 4.12.0c
- [CHT-936] - Fix openchatroom
- [CHT-912] - Do not throw exception upon setAppChatHandler
- [CHT-913] - Crash in iOS app when cleaning up lws_context
- [CHT-900] - Crash at handleAnswerCommand (iOS)
- [CHT-928] - Add iOS binding for CALL_STATUS_WAITING_ROOM
- [CHT-893] - Update search paths for Xcode project
- [CHT-905] - Adjust startDownload calls to new prototype.
- [CHT-910] - MegaChat unit tests need to use GoogleTest framework
- [CHT-662] - Waiting Room for Meetings
- [CHT-892] - Enable warnings-as-errors for MegaChat builds
Target app/s
- iOS 10.4
- Android 8.4