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A thin PSR-6 cache wrapper with a generic interface to various caching backends emphasising cache tagging and indexing.


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APIx Cache, cache-tagging for PHP Build Status

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APIx Cache is a generic and thin cache wrapper with a simple interface to various different caching backends and emphasising cache tagging and indexing.

Cache-tagging allows to find/update all data items with one or more given tags. Providing, for instance, a batch delete of all obsolete entries matching a speficic tag such as a version string.

  • PSR-6 (Cache) standard is provided thru a factory wrapper class.
  • Fully unit tested and compliant with PSR-1, PSR-2, PSR-4 and PSR-6.
  • Continuously integrated
    • with PHP 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 and 7.0,
    • and against APC, Redis, MongoDB, Sqlite, MySQL, PgSQL and Memcached...
  • Available as a Composer and as a PEAR package.

Cache backends

Currently, the following cache store are supplied:

Feel free to comment, send pull requests and patches...

Factory usage (PSR-Cache wrapper)

  use Apix\Cache;

  $backend = new \Redis();
  # $backend = new \PDO('...');      // Any supported client object e.g. \Memcached, \MongoClient, ...
  # $backend = new Cache\Files(...); // or one that implements \Apix\Cache\Adapter
  # $backend = 'apc';                // or an adapter name (string) e.g. "APC", "Runtime"
  # $backend = new MyArrayObject();  // or even a plain array() or \ArrayObject.

  $pool = Cache\Factory::getPool($backend);               // without tagging support
  # $pool = Cache\Factory::getTaggablePool($backend);     // with tagging!
  $item = $pool->getItem('wibble_id');
  if ( !$item->isHit() ) {
    $data = compute_expensive_stuff();

  return $item->get();

Basic usage (APIx native)

  use Apix\Cache;

  $cache = new Cache\Apc;

  // try to retrieve 'wibble_id' from the cache
  if ( !$data = $cache->load('wibble_id') ) {
    // otherwise, get some data from the origin
    // example of arbitrary mixed data
    $data = array('foo' => 'bar');

    // and save it to the cache
    $cache->save($data, 'wibble_id');

You can also use the folowing in your use cases:

  // save $data to the cache as 'wobble_id',
  // tagging it along the way as 'baz' and 'flob',
  // and set the ttl to 300 seconds (5 minutes)
  $cache->save($data, 'wobble_id', array('baz', 'flob'), 300);

  // retrieve all the cache ids under the tag 'baz'
  $ids = $cache->loadTag('baz');

  // clear out all items with a 'baz' tag

  // remove the named item

  // flush out the cache (of all -your- stored items)

Advanced usage (APIx native)

Options shared by all the backends

  use Apix\Cache;
  // default options
  $options = array(
      'prefix_key'  => 'apix-cache-key:', // prefix cache keys
      'prefix_tag'  => 'apix-cache-tag:', // prefix cache tags
      'tag_enable'  => true               // wether to enable tags support

  // start APC as a local cache
  $local_cache = new Cache\Apc($options);

Redis specific

  // additional (default) options
  $options['atomicity']  = false;    // false is faster, true is guaranteed
  $options['serializer'] = 'php';    // null, php, igbinary and json

  $redis_client = new \Redis;        // instantiate phpredis*
  $distributed_cache = new Cache\Redis($redis_client, $options);

* see PhpRedis for instantiation usage.

MongoDB specific

  // additional (default) options
  $options['object_serializer'] = 'php';  // null, json, php, igBinary
  $options['db_name'] = 'apix';           // name of the mongo db
  $options['collection_name'] = 'cache';  // name of the mongo collection

  $mongo  = new \MongoClient;             // MongoDB native driver** instance
  $cache = new Cache\Mongo($mongo, $options);

** see MongoDB for instantiation usage.

Memcached specific

  // additional (default) options, specific to Memcached
  $options['prefix_key'] = 'key_';  // prefix cache keys
  $options['prefix_tag'] = 'tag_';  // prefix cache tags
  $options['prefix_idx'] = 'idx_';  // prefix cache indexes
  $options['prefix_nsp'] = 'nsp_';  // prefix cache namespaces
  $options['serializer'] = 'php';   // null, php, json, igbinary.

  $memcached  = new \Memcached;     // a Memcached*** instance
  $shared_cache = new Cache\Memcached($memcached, $options);

*** see Memcached for instantiation details.

PDO specific

  // additional (default) options, specific to the PDO backends
  $options['db_table']   = 'cache';       // table to hold the cache
  $options['serializer'] = 'php';         // null, php, igbinary, json
  $options['preflight']  = true;          // wether to preflight the DB
  $options['timestamp']  = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'; // the timestamp DB format

  // with SQLITE
  $dbh = new \PDO('sqlite:/tmp/apix_tests.sqlite3');
  $relational_cache = new Cache\Pdo\Sqlite($dbh, $options);

  // with MYSQL, MariaDB and Percona
  $dbh = new \PDO('mysql:host=xxx;port=xxx;dbname=xxx', 'user', 'pass');
  $mysql_cache = new Cache\Pdo\Mysql($dbh, $options);

  // with PGSQL
  $dbh = new \PDO('pgsql:dbname=xxx;host=xxx', 'xxx', 'xxx');
  $postgres_cache = new Cache\Pdo\Pgsql($dbh, $options);

  // with a SQL:1999 compliant DB, e.g. Oracle
  $dbh = new \PDO('oci:dbname=xxx', 'xxx', 'xxx');
  $sql1999_cache = new Cache\Pdo\Sql1999($dbh, $options);

Note if preflight is set to true (the default), the required tables, if missing, will be created on-the-fly. Once these tables exist, set preflight to false in order to avoid some additional checks...

Filesystem specific

  // additional (default) options
  $options['directory'] = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'apix-cache'; // Directory where cache is created
  $options['locking'] = true;                                                      // File locking (recommended)
  $files_cache = new Cache\Files($options);
  // or
  $directory_cache = new Cache\Directory($options);


This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and can be installed using composer:

$ composer require apix/cache:1.2.*

All notable changes to this project are documented in its CHANGELOG.


This work is licensed under the New BSD license -- see the LICENSE for the full details.
Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Franck Cassedanne


A thin PSR-6 cache wrapper with a generic interface to various caching backends emphasising cache tagging and indexing.







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  • PHP 99.2%
  • Shell 0.8%