AdventureWorks sample databases
These downloads are scripts and full database backups (.bak) files that you can use to install the AdventureWorks (OLTP) and AdventureWorksDW (data warehouse) sample databases to your SQL Server instance.
Note that AdventureWorks has not seen any significant changes since the 2012 version. The only differences between the various versions of AdventureWorks are the name of the database and the database compatibility level.
For additional guidance, please review the instructions for attaching a database and restoring a database.
For a sample database leveraging more recent features of SQL Server, see WideWorldImporters.
For install instructions, see the Readme.
For the multidimensional and tabular models, see AdventureWorks for Analysis services. Use AdventureWorksDW as source data.
For more downloads of older releases, see AdventureWorks2012 and AdventureWorks2008r2.
Send feedback to: [email protected].
Install scripts
For AdventureWorks, download, or use the files in the oltp-install-script folder in GitHub.
For AdventureWorksDW, download, or use the files in the data-warehouse-install-script folder in GitHub.
AdventureWorks (OLTP) full database backups
Download size is 883 MB. This is an extended version of AdventureWorks, designed to showcase SQL Server 2016 features. To see the features in action, run the SQL Server 2016 sample scripts on this database.
AdventureWorksLT (Lightweight) full database backups
AdventureWorksDW (Data Warehouse) full database backups
An extended version of AdventureWorksDW2016 designed to showcase SQL Server 2016 features. To see the features in action, run the SQL Server 2016 sample scripts on this database.