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A sample application to illustrate a microservice setup using Spring Cloud and Netflix OSS.

Technology stack

  • Kotlin
  • Spring Boot 2+
  • Spring Cloud (Hoxton.SR8)
  • Netflix OSS (Eureka, Zuul, Ribbon, Hystrix, Feign)
  • Gradle


            |                                                                                                              | ------------------|
            |                                             Registry (Eureka)                                                |                   |
            |                                                                                                              |------------       |
            +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+           |       |
                      |                                       |                                                  |                     |       |
                      |                                       |                                                  |                     |       |
                      |                                       |                                                  |                     |       |
                      |                                       |                                                  |                     |       |
                      |                               +------------------+           REST API           +-----------------+            |       |
                      |                               |                  |         (with Feign)         |                 |            |       |
                      |                            ---| DataSet Service  |-------------------------------   Vcf Service   |            |       |
                      |                       ----/   |                  |-\                       --/  |                 |            |       |
 Incoming   +-------------------+        ----/        +------------------+  ---\     Ribbon    ---/     +-----------------+            |       |
 requests   |                   |   ----/                                       ---\        --/                                        |       |
  --------- |   Gateway (Zuul)  |-\/                                                --\  --/                                           |       |
            |                   |  ---\                                               --/-\                                            |       |
            +-------------------+      ---\                                        --/     --\                                         |       |
                                           ---\       +------------------+     ---/           ---\      +-----------------+            |       |
                                               ---\   |                  |  --/                   ---\  |                 |            |       |
                                                   -- | DataSet Service  |------------------------------|   Vcf Service   |------------+       |
                                                      |                  |        load balancing        |                 |                    |
                                                      +------------------+                              +-----------------+                    |
                                                              |                                                                                |
                                                              |                                                                                |

Application consistes of the following microservices

  • Registry (powered by Netflix Eureka) - a service registry for Service Discovery. All microservices should be registered with it.

  • Gateway (powered by Netflix Zuul) - a gateway (proxy) for external clients to interact with the application. Exposes REST endpoints of all microservices, that should be reachable from outside, in a single REST API. Performs server-side load balancing if multiple instances of a microservice is available.

  • DataSet Service - a sample microservice that provides some functionality for other microservices in the ecosystem.

  • Vcf Service - a sample microservice that acts as a client for DataSet Service, sending requests through REST. Uses:

    • Feign as a REST client
    • Ribbon as a client-side load balancer: reaches out to Eureka to fetch available DataSet Service's instances and queries them in a round-robin (for illustration purposes).
    • Hystrix as a Circuit Breaker implementation: in case DataSet Service is not available, default logic is invocated (displaying error message in this case, but could possibly return a cached value).

How to run locally

  1. Build everything with gradle gradlew clean build
  2. Run Registry
    java -jar registry/build/libs/registry-1.0.0.jar
  3. Run Gateway
    java -jar gateway/build/libs/gateway-1.0.0.jar
  4. Run DataSet Service in 2 instances:
    java -Dserver.port=8082 -jar dataset-service/build/libs/dataset-service-1.0.0.jar
    java -Dserver.port=8083 -jar dataset-service/build/libs/dataset-service-1.0.0.jar
  5. Run Vcf Service in 2 instances:
    java -Dserver.port=8080 -jar vcf-service/build/libs/vcf-service-1.0.0.jar
    java -Dserver.port=8081 -jar vcf-service/build/libs/vcf-service-1.0.0.jar

How to verify everything is working:

  1. Go to Eureka Dashboard: http://localhost:8761/
  2. Go to http://localhost:8762/actuator/routes, see
    Meaning: calls to http://localhost:8762/vcf/** are forwarded to Vcf Service. DataSet Service won't be exposed to external clients.
  3. Go to Gateway's endpoint http://localhost:8762/vcf/get-name refresh a couple of times. You should see: 3.1. DATASET-SERVICE in the output 3.2. Getting DataSet Service name in logs of both Vcf Service instances 3.3. ServerListLoadBalancer logs in logs of both Vcf Service instances 3.4. Got hit from <your IP> in logs of both DataSet Services


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