- Minh Dang
- Son Nguyen
Name | Pin | Name | Pin |
ESP32 | D23 | BNO055 | SCL |
ESP32 | D21 | BNO055 | SCA |
5th May
: Hardware testing - checking esp32 and BNO326th May
: Add Vk Renderer repo to Project repo, Add functions into renderer - More details in this link9th May
: Research and develop BLE - primary data transfering method between ESP32 and client.10th May
: Develop BLE Client and ESP32 BLE Server11th May
: Testing connection between BLE-CLI-Client and ESP32. Create a prototype idea about hardware case design.12th May
: Develop Vulkan Renderer - Rendering pipeline13th May
: Develop Vulkan Renderer - Rendering triangle16th May
: Finished rendering triangle and research BLE transmission.17th May
: Fixed clean up function for Post-rendering.18th May
: Swapchain Recreation19th May
: add vertex buffer for renderer20th May
: add staging buffer23th May
: add index buffer, copies and motion24th May
: add gameObject Class25th May
: 2D Rotation, project building system and controller data communication27th May
: 3D case design research, add BLE into VK Renderer30th May
: Seperate MD Engine and ESP32 Projects31th May
: Clean old code, downgrade1st June
:2nd June
: Add Uniform buffer3rd June
: Continue Uniform buffer6th June
: Finish and test Uniform buffer7th June
: Add Texture Mapping8th June
: Continue Texture Mapping9th June
: Continue Texture Mapping10th June
: Finish and test Texture Mapping13th June
: Create texture demo and make a copy textures and shaders into build dir script - CMake14th June
: Add Depth Buffering15th June
: Finished Depth Buffering16th June
: Add and finish rendering 3D model
- [+ 0.0.1 - Add VkRenderer git module +]
- [+ 0.0.2 - BLE-CLI-Client and BLE-ESP32-Server +]
- [+ 0.0.3 - Rendering functionality in Vulkan Renderer, static image +]
- [+ 0.0.4 - Rendering functionality in Vulkan Renderer, recreate swapchain +]
- [+ 0.1.0 - Renderer in Vulkan Renderer, simple triangle +]
- [+ 0.1.1 - Vertex input description and Vertex buffer creation +]
- [+ 0.1.2 - Index and Staging buffers +]
- [+ 0.1.3 - Copies and Motion +]
- [+ 0.2.1 - 2D Rotation +]
... //to-do
- vkCreateSwapchainKHR() return message "Cannot accessing address" when using NVI GPU -> Downgrade NVI Driver