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Update kv_proof to use string map instead of u64 map
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upamanyus committed Aug 21, 2023
1 parent a246189 commit 9b7c9de
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Showing 6 changed files with 380 additions and 176 deletions.
15 changes: 5 additions & 10 deletions external/Goose/github_com/mit_pdos/gokv/simplepb/apps/kv.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Definition OP_GET : expr := #(U8 1).

Definition EncodePutArgs: val :=
rec: "EncodePutArgs" "args" :=
let: "enc" := ref_to (slice.T byteT) (NewSliceWithCap byteT #1 (((#1 + #8) + (StringLength (struct.loadF PutArgs "Key" "args"))) + (StringLength (struct.loadF PutArgs "Val" "args")))) in
let: "enc" := ref_to (slice.T byteT) (NewSliceWithCap byteT #1 (#1 + #8)) in
SliceSet byteT (![slice.T byteT] "enc") #0 OP_PUT;;
"enc" <-[slice.T byteT] (marshal.WriteInt (![slice.T byteT] "enc") (StringLength (struct.loadF PutArgs "Key" "args")));;
"enc" <-[slice.T byteT] (marshal.WriteBytes (![slice.T byteT] "enc") (StringToBytes (struct.loadF PutArgs "Key" "args")));;
Expand All @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Definition Clerk__Put: val :=

Definition EncodeGetArgs: val :=
rec: "EncodeGetArgs" "args" :=
let: "enc" := ref_to (slice.T byteT) (NewSliceWithCap byteT #1 (#1 + (StringLength "args"))) in
let: "enc" := ref_to (slice.T byteT) (NewSliceWithCap byteT #1 #1) in
SliceSet byteT (![slice.T byteT] "enc") #0 OP_GET;;
"enc" <-[slice.T byteT] (marshal.WriteBytes (![slice.T byteT] "enc") (StringToBytes "args"));;
![slice.T byteT] "enc".
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ Definition KVState__applyReadonly: val :=
then Panic "expected a GET as readonly-operation"
else #());;
let: "key" := decodeGetArgs (SliceSkip byteT "args" #1) in
let: "reply" := KVState__get "s" (decodeGetArgs (SliceSkip byteT "args" #1)) in
let: "reply" := KVState__get "s" "key" in
let: ("vnum", "ok") := MapGet (struct.loadF KVState "vnums" "s") "key" in
(if: "ok"
then ("vnum", "reply")
Expand All @@ -197,13 +197,8 @@ Definition KVState__setState: val :=
rec: "KVState__setState" "s" "snap" "nextIndex" :=
struct.storeF KVState "minVnum" "s" "nextIndex";;
struct.storeF KVState "vnums" "s" (NewMap stringT uint64T #());;
(if: (slice.len "snap") = #0
struct.storeF KVState "kvs" "s" (NewMap stringT stringT #());;
struct.storeF KVState "kvs" "s" (map_string_marshal.DecodeStringMap "snap");;
struct.storeF KVState "kvs" "s" (map_string_marshal.DecodeStringMap "snap");;

Definition makeVersionedStateMachine: val :=
rec: "makeVersionedStateMachine" <> :=
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1144,7 +1144,6 @@ Definition stringLength: val :=
rec: "stringLength" "s" :=
StringLength "s".

(* tests *)
Definition failing_testStringAppend: val :=
rec: "failing_testStringAppend" <> :=
let: "ok" := ref_to boolT #true in
Expand Down
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion src/goose_lang/lib/string/string.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Ltac word_cleanup :=
try lia. *)

Lemma byte_to_string_inj l :
Lemma bytes_to_string_inj l :
string_to_bytes $ bytes_to_string l = l.
rewrite /string_to_bytes /bytes_to_string /=.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,6 +108,15 @@ Proof.

Lemma string_bytes_length s :
String.length s = length $ string_to_bytes s.
rewrite /string_to_bytes fmap_length.
induction s as [|? ? IHs].
{ done. }
{ cbn. apply f_equal. done. }

Global Instance pure_StringGet s i c :
PureExec (bin_op_eval op v1 v2 = Some c) 1 (BinOp StringGetOp (Val $ LitString $ s)
Expand Down
179 changes: 179 additions & 0 deletions src/program_proof/map_string_marshal_proof.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
From Perennial.program_proof Require Import grove_prelude marshal_stateless_proof.
From Perennial.goose_lang.lib Require Import typed_map map.impl.
From Goose.github_com.mit_pdos.gokv Require Import map_string_marshal.

Section map_string_marshal_proof.

Context `{!heapGS Σ}.

Local Definition encode_maplist (l:list (string * string)) : list u8 :=
flat_map (λ u,
(u64_le (int.Z (length (string_to_bytes u.1)))) ++
(string_to_bytes u.1) ++
(u64_le (int.Z (length (string_to_bytes u.2)))) ++
(string_to_bytes u.2)) l.

Local Lemma encode_maplist_cons k data l :
encode_maplist ((k, data)::l) =
((u64_le $ int.Z $ length $ string_to_bytes k) ++
(string_to_bytes k) ++
(u64_le $ int.Z $ length $ string_to_bytes data) ++
(string_to_bytes data)) ++ encode_maplist l.
Proof. done. Qed.

Local Definition has_partial_map_encoding (enc:list u8) (fullsize: u64) (m:gmap string string) : Prop :=
∃ l,
NoDup l.*1 ∧
(list_to_map l) = m ∧
enc = (u64_le fullsize) ++ encode_maplist l.

Definition has_string_map_encoding (enc:list u8) (m:gmap string string) : Prop :=
int.Z (size m) = size m ∧ has_partial_map_encoding enc (size m) m.

Lemma wp_EncodeStringMap mptr m :
"Hmap" ∷ own_map mptr 1 m
EncodeStringMap #mptr
enc_sl enc, RET (slice_val enc_sl);
own_map mptr 1 m ∗
own_slice enc_sl byteT 1 enc ∗
⌜has_string_map_encoding enc m⌝
iIntros "%Φ H HΦ". iNamed "H". iNamed "Hmap". wp_call.
wp_apply wp_NewSlice. iIntros (s) "Hs".
wp_apply wp_ref_to; first by val_ty. iIntros (l) "Hl".
wp_apply (wp_MapLen with "Hkvs_map"). iIntros "[%Hmsize Hkvs_map]".
wp_apply (wp_WriteInt with "Hs"). iIntros (s') "Hs".
rewrite replicate_0 /=. wp_store. clear s.
wp_apply (wp_MapIter_2 _ _ _ _ _
(λ kvs_todo kvs_done, ∃ (s : Slice.t) enc,
"%Hm" ∷ ⌜kvs_sl = kvs_todo ∪ kvs_done⌝ ∗
"%Hdisk" ∷ ⌜dom kvs_todo ## dom kvs_done⌝ ∗
"%Henc" ∷ ⌜has_partial_byte_map_encoding enc (size m) (map_zip_with (λ v _, v) m kvs_done)⌝ ∗
"Hl" ∷ l ↦[slice.T byteT] (slice_val s) ∗
"Hs" ∷ own_slice s byteT 1 enc
)%I with "Hkvs_map [Hl Hs]").
{ iExists _, _. iFrame. iPureIntro.
rewrite right_id_L. split; first done.
rewrite /has_partial_byte_map_encoding.
split; first set_solver.
exists [].
split; first by apply NoDup_nil_2.
rewrite map_zip_with_empty_r.
split; first by apply list_to_map_nil.
do 2 rewrite -size_dom. rewrite -Hkvs_dom size_dom. done. }
{ (* core loop *)
clear Φ s' mptr. iIntros (k v kvs_todo kvs_done Φ) "!# [HI %Hk] HΦ". iNamed "HI". wp_pures.
wp_load. wp_apply (wp_WriteInt with "Hs"). iIntros (s') "Hs". wp_store. clear s.
wp_apply wp_slice_len.
wp_load. wp_apply (wp_WriteInt with "Hs"). iIntros (s) "Hs". wp_store. clear s'.
iSpecialize ("Hkvs_slices" $! k).
iMod (readonly_load with "Hkvs_slices") as (q) "Hk".
iDestruct (own_slice_small_sz with "Hk") as %Hsz.
iEval (rewrite Hm) in "Hk".
erewrite lookup_union_Some_l by done. simpl.
wp_load. wp_apply (wp_WriteBytes with "[$Hs $Hk]"). iIntros (s') "[Hs _]". wp_store. clear s.
iApply "HΦ". iModIntro. iExists _, _. iFrame. iPureIntro.
{ rewrite union_delete_insert //. }
assert (kvs_done !! k = None).
{ apply not_elem_of_dom. apply elem_of_dom_2 in Hk. set_solver. }
split; first set_solver.
assert (is_Some (m !! k)) as [data Hdata].
{ apply elem_of_dom. rewrite -Hkvs_dom Hm dom_union. apply elem_of_dom_2 in Hk. set_solver. }
destruct Henc as (ls & Hnodup & Hls & Henc). exists (ls ++ [(k, data)]).
assert (k ∉ ls.*1).
{ intros Hin. eapply (not_elem_of_list_to_map ls). 2:by apply Hin.
rewrite Hls. apply map_lookup_zip_with_None. auto. }
split; last split.
- rewrite fmap_app. apply NoDup_app. split; first done.
simpl. split; last by apply NoDup_singleton.
intros k' Hk' ->%elem_of_list_singleton. done.
- rewrite list_to_map_snoc //. rewrite Hls.
change data with ((λ v _, v) data v).
rewrite map_insert_zip_with. rewrite insert_id //.
- rewrite Hdata Henc. cbn. rewrite -!app_assoc. repeat f_equal.
rewrite /encode_byte_maplist flat_map_app. f_equal. cbn. rewrite -!app_assoc app_nil_r. repeat f_equal.
move:Hsz. rewrite Hdata Hm. erewrite lookup_union_Some_l by done. cbn. intros. word.
iIntros "[Hkvs_map HI]". iNamed "HI".
wp_load. iApply "HΦ". iFrame. iSplitL.
{ iExists _. iFrame. eauto. }
iPureIntro. split.
- rewrite -size_dom -Hkvs_dom size_dom. rewrite Hmsize. word.
- replace m with (map_zip_with (λ (v : list u8) (_ : Slice.t), v) m kvs_sl) at 2. 1:done.
clear Henc. rewrite -[map_zip_with _ _ _]map_fmap_id. rewrite map_fmap_zip_with_l; auto.
intros k. rewrite -!elem_of_dom. set_solver. *)

Lemma wp_DecodeStringMap enc_sl enc enc_rest q m :
"%Henc" ∷ ⌜has_string_map_encoding enc m⌝ ∗
"Henc_sl" ∷ own_slice_small enc_sl byteT q (enc ++ enc_rest)
DecodeStringMap (slice_val enc_sl)
mptr, RET #mptr; own_map mptr 1 m
iIntros "%Φ H HΦ". iNamed "H". wp_call.
wp_apply wp_ref_to; first by val_ty. iIntros (l) "Hl".
wp_apply wp_byteMapNew. iIntros (mptr) "Hm".
destruct Henc as [Hsz (ls & Hnodup & Hls & Henc)]. subst enc.
rewrite -!app_assoc.
wp_apply (wp_ReadInt with "Henc_sl"). iIntros (s') "Hs". wp_store. clear enc_sl.
wp_apply wp_ref_to; first by val_ty. iIntros (li) "Hli". wp_pures.
wp_apply (wp_forUpto (λ i, ∃ s,
"Hm" ∷ own_byte_map mptr (list_to_map (take (int.nat i) ls)) ∗
"Hl" ∷ l ↦[slice.T byteT] (slice_val s) ∗
"Hs" ∷ own_slice_small s byteT q (encode_byte_maplist (drop (int.nat i) ls) ++ enc_rest)
)%I with "[] [$Hli Hm Hl Hs]"); first word.
2:{ iExists _. iFrame. }
{ (* core loop *)
clear s' Φ. iIntros (i Φ) " !#(I & Hli & %Hi) HΦ". iNamed "I". wp_lam.
replace (int.nat (u64_instance.u64.(word.add) i 1)) with (1 + int.nat i)%nat by word.
assert (is_Some (ls !! (int.nat i))) as [[k data] Hk].
{ apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. rewrite -Map.size_list_to_map //.
rewrite Hls. word. }
rewrite -(take_drop_middle _ _ _ Hk) in Hls Hnodup.
move:Hnodup. clear Hls.
erewrite take_S_r by done.
rewrite (drop_S _ _ _ Hk).
set ls_head := take (int.nat i) ls.
set ls_tail := drop (1+int.nat i) ls.
intros Hnodup.
rewrite encode_byte_maplist_cons -!app_assoc.
wp_apply (wp_ReadInt with "Hs"). iIntros (s') "Hs".
wp_apply (wp_ReadInt with "Hs"). iIntros (s'') "Hs".
iDestruct (own_slice_small_sz with "Hs") as %Hdatasz.
wp_apply (wp_ReadBytesCopy with "Hs").
{ rewrite !app_length in Hdatasz. word. }
iIntros (sl s''') "[Hval Hs]". wp_store. clear s s' s'' Hdatasz.
wp_apply (wp_byteMapPut with "[$Hm Hval]").
{ iDestruct (own_slice_to_small with "Hval") as "$". }
iIntros "Hm". wp_pures. iApply "HΦ". iModIntro.
iFrame "Hli". iExists _. iFrame. iExactEq "Hm". rewrite /named. f_equal.
rewrite list_to_map_snoc //.
rewrite fmap_app NoDup_app in Hnodup.
destruct Hnodup as (_ & Hnin & _). intros Hin. eapply Hnin; first done.
eapply elem_of_list_fmap_1_alt.
- apply elem_of_list_here.
- done. }
iIntros "(I & Hli)". iNamed "I". wp_load. wp_pures. iApply "HΦ". iModIntro.
rewrite take_ge.
2:{ rewrite -Map.size_list_to_map // Hls. word. }
rewrite Hls. iFrame "Hm".
rewrite drop_ge.
2:{ rewrite -Map.size_list_to_map // Hls. word. }
done. *)

End map_string_marshal_proof.

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