- nvim (0.9+)
- tmux (3.3a+)
- fish
- yadm
- starship
- git
- make
- zoxide
- direnv (2.32+)
- jq
- fd
- ripgrep
- fzf
- go
- spotify-player
- spotify (desktop)
- shpotify
- hurl
- tmuxp
- jqp
- httpie
- eza
- delta
- direnv
- entr
- bat
- r*st
- yq
- sc-im
- atuin
- pgcli
- json-server
- presenterm
- sqlfluff
- the_silver_searcher
- glow
- sway
- bemenu
- swaybg
- grim
- wl-clipboard (grim dep)
- slurp (grim dep)
- jq (grim dep)
- notify-send (grim dep, you probably already have this)
- swayidle
- swaylock-effects
- ly
- dunst
- pipewire (and pipewire-pulse)
- wireplumber
- xdg-desktop-portal
- xdg-desktop-portal-wlr (see -_-)
- waybar
You open a file and no status line and/or highlight on:
- Install the corresponding lsp for that language (:MasonInstall <lsp-name>)
OSX key-repeat is too slow:
- defaults write -g InitialKeyRepeat -int 15
- defaults write -g KeyRepeat -int 1
- logout
- Compile go scripts:
$ _install
- Enable shutdown without password prompt:
$ sudo visudo
# add the following line: <username> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /sbin/poweroff, /sbin/reboot, /sbin/shutdown
# replace <username> with your username ๐
- Install tmp:
$ git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
# Ctrl-I inside tmux
- Enable bat kanagawa theme:
$ bat cache --build
- Copy ly config files
$ cp .config/ly/config.ini /etc/ly/config.ini # probably needs sudo