libsuci Public
5G SUCI deconcealment
goserverandom Public
go server to generate random bytes over HTTP
open5gs-suci Public
Forked from open5gs/open5gsOpen5GS is a C-language Open Source implementation for 5G Core and EPC, i.e. the core network of LTE/NR network (Release-16)
vaultplugin-hsmpki Public
The Vault HSM PKI plugin overlays the modifications to the builtin PKI plugin that enable support for certificate signing using a Hardware Security Module via PKCS#11.
pkcs11helper Public
Go PKCS#11 helper module for certificate signing using HSMs.
ethsignminitrezor Public
Minimal subset of the trezor-firmware crypto library with support for deterministic ECDSA (RFC 6979) as needed for Ethereum signing.
libvirt Public
Forked from libvirt/libvirtRead-only mirror. Please submit merge requests / issues to https://gitlab.com/libvirt/libvirt
C GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 UpdatedOct 15, 2021 -
android_device_htc_msm7x30-common Public
Forked from CyanogenMod/android_device_htc_msm7x30-commonCommon device configuration for MSM7x30 devices
C++ UpdatedFeb 25, 2014 -
openbts-p2.8 Public
Forked from ttsou/openbts-p2.8OpenBTS P2.8