social network website that allows user to share their thought online, connect with friend and family, make new friends and be part of interesting discussion among a large online community.
- Front-end
- PHP( Laravel )
- Laravel packages used in this project ( Laravel fortify, Websocket, Echo )
- MySql
- Make sure that you installed npm and composer
- Open command line inside the project
- type "composer install"
- type "npm install"
- type "cp .env.example .env"
- type "php artisan key:generate"
- Creat a database with the same name of the same name as "DB_DATABASE" field in .env file
- type "php artisan migrate"
- To run the project on your browser type "php artisan serve"
- After opening the home page click the signup button which will take to signup page
- You can sign up wit your username, email and password
- After signing up the main page will open, and you will find your posts feedback, notifications, friends request as well as your chat window.
- You can use the user menu to go to your settings or log out.
Intellect book service website is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT licence.