15 commits
to refs/heads/dev
since this release
⚡ Enhancements ⚡
- fix: update DPD subject for delivering email @firstof9 (#1011)
- fix: Update Intelcom Shipper @glbailey (#1024)
- fix: add additional Hermes subject to search @TheHawk588 (#1022)
✨ New Features ✨
🐛 Bug Fixes 🐛
- fix: binary image updated sensors not working @firstof9 (#997)
- fix: add configuration migration for for latest version @firstof9 (#1001)
- fix: run binary sensor hash checks in executor properly @firstof9 (#1002)
- fix: update amazon delivered subject for amazon.de @firstof9 (#1009)
- fix: adjust decoding for amazon emails @firstof9 (#1025)
- fix: fix iCloud email fetching due to non-RFC IMAP server @firstof9 (#1026)
🎓 Code Quality 🎓
- refactor: handle binary sensors updates in the coordinator @firstof9 (#1003)
- fix: adjust camera log messages to info level @firstof9 (#1010)
- fix: attempt to fix IO blocking with ssl contexts @firstof9 (#1012)
- fix: config flow missing storage default @firstof9 (#1027)
- fix: create function to handle amazon email addresses lists @firstof9 (#1028)
- fix: update Walmart delivered search @derpderpington (#1029)
- fix: add additional amazon email @firstof9 (#1034)