logging.config yaml Strict typing and editable
For logging.config yaml files, logging-strict does the following:
Editable logging configuration
While running a Python app, some arbritary package, out of no where, decides to log an informational warning. Within a multiprocessing worker (aka heavy background processing), these logging warnings go from annoying --> disruptive.
The best can do is adapt to survive. Make this situation quickly solvable by adjusting the app's logging configuration.
asyncio is an example package which bleeds informational logging warnings
Intention is to have all the valid logging.config yaml in one place
logging_strict comes with a logging.config yaml validator. So can check the editted yaml file. Supports pre-commit
validates against a strictyaml schema
The schema is specifically tailored for the logging.handlers
As long as the yaml is valid, will have the data types logging.handlers expect
exports package data
Alternative to pkgutil.get_data
Export data files using a pattern rather than one file at a time
- Python 3.9 through 3.12, and 3.13.0a3 and up.
New in 1.5.x: registry logging_strict.yml;
New in 1.4.x:
yaml logger package_name placeholder; noninstalled package raise ImportError; fix package name to valid dotted path (#3);
logging.config is more often than not hardcoded within a package's source code. Removing logging.config from the source code and into an exported yaml config file, a package becomes adaptable to unforeseen unexpected bleeding of logging messages.
When a bleed occurs, open the exported logging.config yaml file. Add
the offending package to the loggers
section or if already there, increase
the logging level.
For example, for asyncio, adjust logging level from logging.WARNING --> logging.ERROR
Bye bye disruptive informational logging warning messages.
logging_strict comes with a logging.config yaml validator. So can check the editted yaml file.
On app|worker restart, the logging configuration changes take effect.
Exports occur before the logging.config yaml files are needed. There are two process types: worker and app
When an app is run, it exports the app logging configuration.
Right before a ProcessPool runs, it exports the worker logging configuration.
Right before a thread or ThreadPool runs, G'd and Darwin sit down to decide which calamity will befall you. Best to avoid that cuz Python logging module is thread-safe. Changes to the logging.config in one thread affects them all and those changes last as long as the app runs.
Safe means safe to remove you from the gene pool. Would be a great name for a horror movie. Don't be in that movie.
Export location (on linux): $HOME/.local/share/[package name]/
This is xdg user data dir and the configuration is per package. Python logging configurations' cascade!
Whats exported?
- one for the app
- At least one, for the multiprocessing workers
If a user|coder edits and makes a change, undo'ing those changes would be considered quite rude, minimally, poor ettiquette.
So that gauntlets stay on and package authors live long fulfilling peaceful uneventful lives, overwrite existing logging config yaml files never happens. Although fully capable, just absolutely refuses to do so!
If confident no changes have been made, can manually delete (unlink).
There will be no need for gauntlets, can safely put those away.
How to upgrade a particular logging.config yaml file?
Best to increment the version and switch the code base to use the latest version
Custom changes should be upstreamed.
Preferred the previous version
There currently isn't a means to change which logging.config yaml file a package uses.
This sounds like a job for user preference database, gschema. Not yet implemented
logging.handlers, each, expects parameters to have the correct data type.
yaml package strictyaml, default data type is str, for other types, the function variable name and type must be known (and supported) beforehand.
For custom (handlers, filters, and formatters) functions, there is no way to know beforehand the parameter name and therefore the data type, parameter type will become str
(Assuming the virtual environment is activated)
Processed: 4 / 4
Success / fail: 4 / 0
last (3): ~/Downloads/logging_strict/src/logging_strict/configs/mp_1_asz.worker.logging.config.yaml
logging_strict_validate_yaml --category worker
Processed: 3 / 3
Success / fail: 3 / 0
last (2): ~/Downloads/logging_strict/src/logging_strict/configs/mp_1_asz.worker.logging.config.yaml
logging_strict_validate_yaml --category app
Processed: 1 / 1
Success / fail: 1 / 0
last (0): ~/Downloads/logging_strict/src/logging_strict/configs/textual_1_asz.app.logging.config.yaml
Two workers are just ordinary yaml files
Withinin logging_strict source tree, bad_idea/folder*/* are two folders, each contains one file.
Although valid yaml, these are not actual logging.config yaml files. Just there for testing purposes
The total *.logging.config.yaml file count and total *.worker.logging.config.yaml are both thrown off by +2
logging_strict_validate_yaml $HOME/.local/share/logging_strict/ worker
Processed: 1 / 1 Success / fail: 1 / 0 last (0): ~/.local/share/logging_strict/mp_1_asz.worker.logging.config.yaml
logging_strict_validate_yaml $HOME/.local/share/logging_strict/ app
Processed: 1 / 1 Success / fail: 1 / 0 last (0): ~/.local/share/logging_strict/textual_1_asz.app.logging.config.yaml
- repo: local
- id: validate-logging-config-yaml
name: validate-logging-config-yaml
entry: logging_strict_validate_yaml
language: python
require_serial: true
pass_filenames: false
Normal usage
- repo: https://github.com/msftcangoblowm/logging-strict
rev: 0.1.0
- id: validate-logging-config-yaml
name: validate-logging-config-yaml
entry: logging_strict_validate_yaml
language: python
require_serial: true
pass_filenames: false
You know how to use pip. This is not that.
Lets discuss integrating logging-strict into your app and history dust binning hardcoded logging configuration.
An entrypoint boilerplate should be structured like, or slightly differently for an async app
def _process_args(): ...
def main():
d_out = _process_args()
# app logging config stuff <--- here!
app = MyApp() # <-- not within here
if __name__ = "__main__":
This entrypoint is testable. If the argparsing is done within main, it's time to refactor and rework the entrypoint.
An Entrypoint have defined and documented exit codes. Besides for
, never prints a message
from logging_strict.constants import
from logging_strict import ui_yaml_curated, LoggingState
genre = "textual"
version_no = "1"
flavor = "asz" # < -- Yet unpublished testing UI package
package_start_relative_folder = ""
LoggingState().is_state_app = True
package_start_relative_folder=package_start_relative_folder, # <-- narrows the search
from mypackage.constants import urpackagename, package_data_folder_start
from logging_strict import setup_ui_other, LoggingState
genre = "textual"
flavor = "asz" # < -- Yet unpublished testing UI package
version_no = "1"
package_start_relative_folder = ""
LoggingState().is_state_app = True
urpackagename, # <-- Would have been better to curate within logging_strict
Package within which the *.[app|worker].logging.config.yaml files reside.
Which is preferrably within logging_strict. So all the logging.config yaml in the universe need not be duplicated to the point where it appears to compete with fiat currency.
Within that package, which is the package base folder somewhere within the folder tree lies the *.[app|worker].logging.config.yaml files. This is a str, not a relative path.
One folder name. Does not assume the folder is called
. Does assume data files are within at least one folder. And if not? G'd and Darwin. Or panties are bound to get twisted.category
The function name indicates the purpose. To setup
for a worker, call function,setup_worker
From a main app's POV, genre is the UI framework such as: pyside or textual
From a worker's POV, genre hints at the implementation: mp (multiprocessing) or rabbitmq, ...
Like a one word brand name to a particular logging.config yaml file. For the initially used the brand,
, a Python testing UI appversion_no
When changes have to be made either: Increment the version by 1 or if purpose is different, fork a new flavor
If no flavor, version pertains to the genre
Relative to package_data_folder_start, narrows search.
For example,
both contains,mp_1_shared.worker.logging.config.yaml
. Which one?package_data_folder_start is
, notconfigs
. package_start_relative_folder could befolder0
. Which is enough to identify the exact file.
A Singleton holding logging state. To know whether or not, run by app or from cli
(there is also the issue of run by: coverage, unittest, or pytest)
If run from app, and testing app component, logging is redirected to textual.logging.TextualHandler and shouldn't be changed.
If run from cli, and testing app component, logging is redirected to logging.handlers.StreamHandler, not TextualHandler
During testing, the app and workers are run in all three scenerios.
From coverage, from unittest, and from asz.
While the logging handler is TextualHandler, changing to StreamHandler would be bad. LoggingState aim is to avoid that.
Why would want to do testing from an UI?
- Speeeeeeeeeed!
Minimizing keypresses or actions required to run commands
- Associating unittests to code modules
Which unittest(s) must be run to get 100% coverage for a particular code module?
Without organization, can only imagine that there must always be a 1:1 ratio between unittest and code module. And if not, the unittests folder is just a jumbled mess. And which unittests matter for a particular code module is unknown.
Give a brother a clue!
A clear easily maintainable verifiable guide is necessary.
This is a 2 step process.
Step 1 -- entrypoint
Extracts yaml from package, validates, then passes as str to the worker process
Step 2 -- worker
yaml str --> logging.config.dictConfig
The ProcessPool (not ThreadPool) worker is isolated within it's own process. So the dirty nature of logging configuration has no effect on other processes.
logging.config yaml file within package, logging_strict
from logging_strict import worker_yaml_curated
genre = "mp"
flavor = "asz"
str_yaml = worker_yaml_curated(genre, flavor)
logging.config yaml file within another package
from logging_strict import worker_yaml_curated
package = "someotherpackage"
package_data_folder_start = "data" # differs so need to check this folder name
genre = "mp"
flavor = "asz"
str_yaml = setup_worker_other(package, package_data_folder_start, genre, flavor)
entrypoint passes str_yaml to the (ProcessPool) worker. A worker calls setup_logging_yaml with the yaml str
from logging_strict import setup_logging_yaml
To learn more about building UI apps that have multiprocessing.pool.ProcessPool workers, check out the asz source code
from logging_strict import (
tl;dr; ^^ won't need this ^^
Process categories Enum. Iterate over the Enum values, using class method, categories.
strict_logging public methods are convenience functions for class, strict_logging.logging_api.LoggingConfigYaml. If LoggingConfigYaml used directly, choose one of the LoggingConfigCategory values to pass as param, category.
tl;dr; ^^ won't need this ^^
Useful only during strict type checking. class LoggingConfigYaml implements LoggingYamlType interface and is a direct subclass
logging_strict catch all Exception. Base type of other exceptions. Implements ValueError
The other exceptions are self explanatory. When creating worker entrypoints, can set exit codes based on which exception occurred.
Unfortunately yaml spec is too broad, allowing undesirable complexity, which are a frequent cause of security issues. Read more:
strictyaml ([docs]) mitigates yaml security issues:
by only supporting a subset of the yaml spec
type-safe YAML parsing and validation against a schema
In our case, specialized to support the built-in Python logging.handlers and adaptable enough to support custom handlers, filters, and formatters