A newrelic transport for winston including the newrelic Library
Tested on node-6.x, requires npm.
$ npm install winston --save
$ npm install newrelic-winston --save
const winston = require('winston');
const NewrelicWinston = require('newrelic-winston');
winston.add(new NewrelicWinston(options));
const { createLogger } = require('winston');
const NewrelicWinston = require('newrelic-winston');
const logger = createLogger({
transports: [
new NewrelicWinston(options),
- env: the current evironment. Defatuls to
If env
is either 'dev' or 'test' the lib will not load the included newrelic module saving devs from anoying errors ;)
Please refer to the newrelic lib's readme for specific module's configs.
This trasport is meant to report errors to newrelic, so the only level available in order to log something is error
All other possible winston's levels, or custom levels, will noop