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The FiveTech_TestAssignment module is a custom Magento 2 module developed to extend the functionality of your Magento store. This README file provides instructions on how to install and configure the module, including how to implement Access Control Lists (ACL) and assign roles and permissions, and how to use the Admin Grid for managing records.

Step-by-Step Guide to Install FiveTech_TestAssignment Module

  1. Clone the repository or download the zip file:

    • Using Git Clone:
      git clone app/code/
    • Download as Zip:
      • Download the zip file from the repository.
      • Unzip and extract it to app/code/FiveTech/TestAssignment.

2. Run Magento installation commands

After cloning or extracting the module, navigate to the root directory of your Magento installation and run the following commands to install the module:

Step 1: Upgrade the setup

bin/magento setup:upgrade

Step 2: Compile the dependency injection configurations

bin/magento setup:di:compile

Step 3: Flush the cache

bin/magento cache:flush

Admin Grid

The FiveTech_TestAssignment module includes an Admin Grid for managing records, located under Marketing > FiveTech Record. The grid allows you to view, add, edit, delete, and perform inline edits on records. Pagination and sorting functionalities are also available.

Features of the Admin Grid

  1. View Records: The grid displays a list of all records with relevant data.
  2. Add New Record: Click the Add New button to create a new record.
  3. Edit Record: Click on a record to edit it. You can also perform inline edits directly on the grid.
  4. Delete Record: Select a record and choose the Delete option to remove it.
  5. Save and Save & Continue: Use the Save button to save changes, and the Save & Continue button to save and continue editing.
  6. Pagination and Sorting: The grid supports pagination and sorting to manage large sets of data efficiently.

Using the Admin Grid

  1. Navigate to the Grid:

    • Go to the Magento Admin Panel.
    • Navigate to Marketing > FiveTech Record.
  2. Add New Record:

    • Click the Add New button.
    • Fill in the required fields.
    • Click Save or Save & Continue.
  3. Edit Record:

    • Click on a record to open the edit form.
    • Make the necessary changes.
    • Click Save or Save & Continue.
  4. Inline Edit:

    • Double-click on a field in the grid to edit it directly.
    • Press Enter to save changes.
  5. Delete Record:

    • Select the checkbox next to the record(s) you want to delete.
    • Select Delete from the Actions dropdown.
    • Confirm the deletion.

Access Control List (ACL) Implementation

ACL Configuration

The acl.xml file in the etc directory defines the permissions for various operations in the module. Below is an example of an acl.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Acl/etc/acl.xsd">
            <resource id="Magento_Backend::admin">
                <resource id="FiveTech_TestAssignment::FiveTechs" title="FiveTechs" sortOrder="10">
                    <resource id="FiveTech_TestAssignment::FiveTechs_save" title="Save FiveTechs" sortOrder="10"/>
                    <resource id="FiveTech_TestAssignment::FiveTechs_delete" title="Delete FiveTechs" sortOrder="20"/>
                    <resource id="FiveTech_TestAssignment::FiveTechs_update" title="Update FiveTechs" sortOrder="30"/>
                    <resource id="FiveTech_TestAssignment::FiveTechs_view" title="View FiveTechs" sortOrder="40"/>

Explanation of ACL Implementation

  • Resource IDs: Each resource element has a unique id attribute that defines the permission. For example, FiveTech_TestAssignment::FiveTechs_save allows saving operations.
  • Title: The title attribute specifies the name of the permission that will be displayed in the Magento Admin.
  • Sort Order: The sortOrder attribute determines the order in which permissions are displayed.

Assigning Roles and Permissions

To assign roles and permissions in Magento:

  1. Navigate to Roles:

    • Go to the Magento Admin Panel.
    • Navigate to System > Permissions > User Roles.
  2. Create a New Role:

    • Click on Add New Role.
    • Enter the Role Name and Current Admin Password.
  3. Define Role Resources:

    • Go to the Role Resources tab.
    • Select Custom from the Resource Access dropdown.
    • Expand the FiveTechs section.
    • Check the permissions you want to assign (e.g., Save FiveTechs, Delete FiveTechs, etc.).
  4. Assign Role to Users:

    • Navigate to System > Permissions > All Users.
    • Edit the user you want to assign the role to.
    • In the User Role section, select the role you created.
    • Save the user.

This GraphQL API allows querying and filtering of FiveTech entities. It provides two main query operations: getFiveTechById and fiveTechs. This document details the schema structure, query operations, input types, and sample queries to help developers integrate and utilize this API efficiently.


1. getFiveTechById

This query fetches a single FiveTech entity based on its ID.


  • fiveTechId (Int!): The ID of the FiveTech entity to be retrieved.

Sample Query:

query getFiveTechById {
  getFiveTechById(fiveTechId: 77) {

2. fiveTechs

This query fetches a collection of FiveTech entities based on specified filters, pagination, and sorting criteria.


  • filters (FiveTechFilterInput): Defines the attributes to filter the search results.
  • pageSize (Int): Specifies the maximum number of results to return at once. Default is 20.
  • currentPage (Int): Specifies which page of results to return. Default is 1.
  • sort (FiveTechsortInput): Specifies the attributes to sort the search results.

Sample Query:

query fiveTechs {
        filters: {
            description: {
                match: "ABCD"
        pageSize: 1,
        currentPage: 1,
        sort: {
            # Add sorting criteria here if needed
    ) {
        items {
        page_info {

Schema Details

Query Type

The Query type defines the entry points for the API.

type Query {
    fiveTechId: Int! @doc(description: "Id of FiveTech.")
  ): [FiveTech]
      class: "FiveTech\\TestAssignment\\Model\\Resolver\\FiveTech\\FindById"

    filters: FiveTechFilterInput
        description: "Identifies which FiveTech filter inputs to search for and return."
    pageSize: Int = 20
        description: "Specifies the maximum number of results to return at once. This attribute is optional."
    currentPage: Int = 1
        description: "Specifies which page of results to return. The default value is 1."
    sort: FiveTechsortInput
        description: "Specifies which attributes to sort on, and whether to return the results in ascending or descending order."
  ): FiveTechs
      class: "\\FiveTech\\TestAssignment\\Model\\Resolver\\FiveTech\\FilterBySearchCriteria"
      description: "The FiveTech query searches that match the criteria specified in the search and filter attributes."

FiveTechs Type

The FiveTechs type represents a collection of FiveTech entities and includes pagination metadata.

type FiveTechs
    description: "The collection of FiveTechs that match the conditions defined in the filter."
  ) {
  items: [FiveTech]! @doc(description: "An array of FiveTechs.")
  page_info: SearchResultPageInfo
    @doc(description: "Contains pagination metadata.")
  total_count: Int @doc(description: "The total count of FiveTechs.")


The FiveTechFilterInput input type specifies the attributes and values used for filtering search results.

input FiveTechFilterInput
    description: "FiveTechInput defines the filters to be used in the search. A filter contains at least one attribute, a comparison operator, and the value that is being searched for."
  ) {
  entity_id: FilterEqualTypeInput
    @deprecated(reason: "Filter FiveTech entity_id")
  name: FilterMatchTypeInput @deprecated(reason: "Filter FiveTech name")
  description: FilterMatchTypeInput
    @deprecated(reason: "Filter FiveTech description")
  country: FilterMatchTypeInput @deprecated(reason: "Filter FiveTech country")
  created_at: FilterMatchTypeInput
    @deprecated(reason: "Filter FiveTech created_at")
  updated_at: FilterMatchTypeInput
    @deprecated(reason: "Filter FiveTech updated_at")


The FiveTechsortInput input type specifies the attributes used for sorting search results.

input FiveTechsortInput
    description: "FiveTechsortInput specifies the attribute to use for sorting search results and indicates whether the results are sorted in ascending or descending order."
  ) {
  entity_id: SortEnum @deprecated(reason: "Filter FiveTech FiveTech_id")
  search_page: SortEnum @deprecated(reason: "Filter FiveTech search_page")

FiveTech Type

The FiveTech type represents the entity with its attributes.

type FiveTech {
  entity_id: Int!
  name: String
  description: String
  country: String
  created_at: String
  updated_at: String

Pagination and Sorting

The page_info field in the FiveTechs type contains metadata about the pagination of the results, including the current page, page size, and total number of pages.

Sample Pagination Info:

page_info {

The sort input allows specifying attributes for sorting the search results in either ascending or descending order.


The FiveTechFilterInput allows filtering the search results based on various attributes like entity_id, name, description, country, created_at, and updated_at. Each filter is marked as deprecated to signal that these are legacy filters and may be replaced in future iterations.


To use this API, define the queries as shown in the sample queries section. Adjust the filters, pagination, and sorting criteria as per your requirements.

  • Use getFiveTechById to fetch a single FiveTech entity by its ID.
  • Use fiveTechs to fetch a collection of FiveTech entities with optional filters, pagination, and sorting.

Documentation provides an overview of the schema and how to use the queries. For more details on GraphQL and implementing resolvers, refer to the official GraphQL documentation.


For support, please contact the module developer at [email protected] or raise an issue in the repository.


This module is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

This README file now includes the GitHub repository URL, detailed instructions on ACL and role assignment, and comprehensive guidance on using the Admin Grid.


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