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Java Library to Translate RSQL into Spring Data JPA Specification and QueryDSL Predicate


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Translate RSQL query into or com.querydsl.core.types.Predicate and support entities association query.

SpringBoot 3 Support

rsql-jpa-specification supports SpringBoot 3 since version 6.x. (Contributed by chriseteka)

For SpringBoot 2 users, please continue to use version 5.x.

Supported Operators

Since version 5.0.5, you can define your own operators and customize the logic via RSQLCustomPredicate.

Maven Repository;gav~io.github.perplexhub~rsql*

Add rsql-jpa-spring-boot-starter for RSQL to Spring JPA translation

Maven dependency for rsql-jpa-spring-boot-starter


Add JpaSpecificationExecutor to your JPA repository interface classes

package com.perplexhub.repository;


import com.perplexhub.model.User;

public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, String>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<User> {

Sample main class -

package io.github.perplexhub.rsql;

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.EnableTransactionManagement;

@EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = { "" })
public class Application {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {, args);


Add rsql-querydsl-spring-boot-starter for RSQL to Spring JPA and QueryDSL translation

Maven dependency for rsql-querydsl-spring-boot-starter


Add JpaSpecificationExecutor and QuerydslPredicateExecutor to your JPA repository interface classes

package com.perplexhub.repository;


import com.perplexhub.model.User;

public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, String>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<User>, QuerydslPredicateExecutor<User> {

Use below properties to control the version of Spring Boot, Spring Data and QueryDSL


RSQL Syntax Reference

filter = "id=bt=(2,4)";// id>=2 && id<=4 //between
filter = "id=nb=(2,4)";// id<2 || id>4 //not between
filter = "company.code=like=em"; //like %em%
filter = "company.code=ilike=EM"; //ignore case like %EM%
filter = "company.code=icase=EM"; //ignore case equal EM
filter = "company.code=notlike=em"; //not like %em%
filter = "company.code=inotlike=EM"; //ignore case not like %EM%
filter = "company.code=ke=e*m"; //like %e*m%
filter = "company.code=ik=E*M"; //ignore case like %E*M%
filter = "company.code=nk=e*m"; //not like %e*m%
filter = "company.code=ni=E*M"; //ignore case not like %E*M%
filter = "company.code=ic=E^^M"; //ignore case equal E^^M
filter = "company.code==demo"; //equal
filter = "company.code=='demo'"; //equal
filter = "company.code==''"; //equal to empty string
filter = "company.code==dem*"; //like dem%
filter = "company.code==*emo"; //like %emo
filter = "company.code==*em*"; //like %em%
filter = "company.code==^EM"; //ignore case equal EM
filter = "company.code==^*EM*"; //ignore case like %EM%
filter = "company.code=='^*EM*'"; //ignore case like %EM%
filter = "company.code!=demo"; //not equal
filter = "company.code=in=(*)"; //equal to *
filter = "company.code=in=(^)"; //equal to ^
filter = "company.code=in=(demo,real)"; //in
filter = "company.code=out=(demo,real)"; //not in
filter = ""; //greater than
filter = ""; //less than
filter = ""; //greater than or equal
filter = ""; //less than or equal
filter = ">100"; //greater than
filter = "<100"; //less than
filter = ">=100"; //greater than or equal
filter = "<=100"; //less than or equal
filter = "company.code=isnull="; //is null
filter = "company.code=null="; //is null
filter = "company.code=na="; //is null
filter = "company.code=nn="; //is not null
filter = "company.code=notnull="; //is not null
filter = "company.code=isnotnull="; //is not null

filter = "company.code=='demo';>100"; //and
filter = "company.code=='demo' and>100"; //and

filter = "company.code=='demo',>100"; //or
filter = "company.code=='demo' or>100"; //or

Syntax Reference: RSQL / FIQL parser

Spring Data JPA Specification

Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(0, 5); //page 1 and page size is 5

repository.findAll(RSQLSupport.toSpecification(filter), pageable);

repository.findAll(RSQLSupport.toSpecification(filter, true)); // select distinct
repository.findAll(RSQLSupport.toSpecification(filter, true), pageable);

// use static import
import static io.github.perplexhub.rsql.RSQLSupport.*;

repository.findAll(toSpecification(filter), pageable);

repository.findAll(toSpecification(filter, true)); // select distinct
repository.findAll(toSpecification(filter, true), pageable);

// property path remap
filter = "compCode=='demo';compId>100"; // "company.code=='demo';>100" -  protect our domain model #10

Map<String, String> propertyPathMapper = new HashMap<>();
propertyPathMapper.put("compId", "");
propertyPathMapper.put("compCode", "company.code");

repository.findAll(toSpecification(filter, propertyPathMapper));
repository.findAll(toSpecification(filter, propertyPathMapper), pageable);

Sort Syntax

sort = "id"; // order by id asc
sort = "id,asc"; // order by id asc
sort = "id,asc;,desc"; // order by id asc, desc
sort = "name,asc,ic"  // order by name ascending ignore case

Sort with JPA Specifications


// sort with custom field mapping
Map<String, String> propertyMapping = new HashMap<>();
propertyMapping.put("userID", "id");
propertyMapping.put("companyID", "");

repository.findAll(RSQLSupport.toSort("userID,asc;companyID,desc", propertyMapping)); // same as id,asc;,desc

Filtering and Sorting with JPA Specification

Specification<?> specification = RSQLSupport.toSpecification("")


QueryDSL Predicate (BooleanExpression)

Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(0, 5); //page 1 and page size is 5

repository.findAll(RSQLSupport.toPredicate(filter, QUser.user));
repository.findAll(RSQLSupport.toPredicate(filter, QUser.user), pageable);

// use static import
import static io.github.perplexhub.rsql.RSQLSupport.*;

repository.findAll(toPredicate(filter, QUser.user));
repository.findAll(toPredicate(filter, QUser.user), pageable);

// property path remap
filter = "compCode=='demo';compId>100"; // "company.code=='demo';>100" - protect our domain model #10

Map<String, String> propertyPathMapper = new HashMap<>();
propertyPathMapper.put("compId", "");
propertyPathMapper.put("compCode", "company.code");

repository.findAll(toPredicate(filter, QUser.user, propertyPathMapper));
repository.findAll(toPredicate(filter, QUser.user, propertyPathMapper), pageable);

Custom Value Converter

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
RSQLJPASupport.addConverter(Date.class, s -> {
	try {
		return sdf.parse(s);
	} catch (ParseException e) {
		return null;

Custom Operator & Predicate

String rsql = "createDate=dayofweek='2'";
RSQLCustomPredicate<Long> customPredicate = new RSQLCustomPredicate<>(new ComparisonOperator("=dayofweek="), Long.class, input -> {
	Expression<Long> function = input.getCriteriaBuilder().function("ISO_DAY_OF_WEEK", Long.class, input.getPath());
	return input.getCriteriaBuilder().lessThan(function, (Long) input.getArguments().get(0));
List<User> users = userRepository.findAll(toSpecification(rsql, Arrays.asList(customPredicate)));
String rsql = "name=around='May'";
RSQLCustomPredicate<String> customPredicate = new RSQLCustomPredicate<>(new ComparisonOperator("=around="), String.class, input -> {
	if ("May".equals(input.getArguments().get(0))) {
		return input.getPath().in(Arrays.asList("April", "May", "June"));
	return input.getCriteriaBuilder().equal(input.getPath(), (String) input.getArguments().get(0));
List<User> users = userRepository.findAll(toSpecification(rsql, Arrays.asList(customPredicate)));
String rsql = ",3)";
RSQLCustomPredicate<Long> customPredicate = new RSQLCustomPredicate<>(new ComparisonOperator("=between=", true), Long.class, input -> {
	return input.getCriteriaBuilder().between(input.getPath().as(Long.class), (Long) input.getArguments().get(0), (Long) input.getArguments().get(1));
List<User> users = userRepository.findAll(toSpecification(rsql, Arrays.asList(customPredicate)));
String rsql = "city=notAssigned=''";
RSQLCustomPredicate<String> customPredicate = new RSQLCustomPredicate<>(new ComparisonOperator("=notAssigned="), String.class, input -> {
	return input.getCriteriaBuilder().isNull(input.getRoot().get("city"));
List<User> users = userRepository.findAll(toSpecification(rsql, Arrays.asList(customPredicate)));

Escaping Special Characters in LIKE Predicate

For the LIKE statement in different RDBMS, the most commonly used special characters are:

MySQL/MariaDB and PostgreSQL

  • %: Represents any sequence of zero or more characters. For example, LIKE '%abc' would match any string ending with abc.
  • _: Represents any single character. For example, LIKE 'a_c' would match a three-character string starting with a and ending with c.

SQL Server

  • % and _: Function in the same way as in MySQL/MariaDB and PostgreSQL.
  • []: Used to specify a set or range of characters. For instance, LIKE '[a-c]%' would match any string starting with a, b, or c.
  • ^: Used within [] to exclude characters. For example, LIKE '[^a-c]%' would match any string not starting with a, b, or c.


  • % and _: Function similarly to MySQL/MariaDB and PostgreSQL.
  • ESCAPE: Allows specifying an escape character to include % or _ literally in the search. For example, LIKE '%\_%' ESCAPE '\' would match a string containing an underscore.


To use escape character in RSQL, you must use QuerySupport to build the Specification with appropriate escape character.

char escapeChar = '$';
QuerySupport query = QuerySupport.builder()
    .rsqlQuery("name=like='" + escapeChar + "%'")
List<Company> users = companyRepository.findAll(toSpecification(query));


Above RSQL with default escape character $ for searching string containing _:


Will produce the following SQL:

SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE my_column LIKE '%$_%' ESCAPE '$'

Jsonb Support with Postgresql

It's possible to make rsql queries on jsonb fields. For example, if you have a jsonb field named data in your entity, you can make queries like this:

  "data": {
    "name": "demo",
    "user" : {
      "id": 1,
      "name": "demo"
    "roles": [
        "id": 1,
        "name": "admin"
        "id": 2,
        "name": "user"
String rsql = "";
List<User> users = userRepository.findAll(toSpecification(rsql));
String rsql = "";
List<User> users = userRepository.findAll(toSpecification(rsql));
String rsql = "";
List<User> users = userRepository.findAll(toSpecification(rsql));

The library use jsonb_path_exists function under the hood.
Json primitive types are supported such as

  • string
  • number
  • boolean
  • array

Temporal values support

Since Postgresql 13 jsonb supports temporal values with datetime() function.
As Date time values are string in jsonb, you can make queries on them as well.
You must use the ISO 8601 format for date time values.

If your request conform timezone pattern, the library will use `jsonb_path_exists_tz.
Then consider the timezone consideration of the official documentation

Stored procedure

RSQL can call a stored procedure with the following syntax for both search and sort.
In order to be authorized to call a stored procedure, it must be whitelisted and not blacklisted.
The only way to whitelist or blacklist a stored procedure is to use the QuerySupport when performing the search or the SortSupport when performing the sort.

String rsql = "@concat[greetings|#123]=='HELLO123'";
QuerySupport querySupport = QuerySupport.builder()
        .procedureWhiteList(List.of("concat", "upper"))
List<Item> companies = itemRepository.findAll(toSpecification(querySupport));

Regex like expression can be used to whitelist or blacklist stored procedure.


A procedure must be prefixed with @ and called with [] for arguments.



Arguments are separated by | and can be:

  • constant (null, boolean, number, string), prefixed with #
  • column name
  • other procedure call

For text value, since space is not supported by RSQL, you can use \t to replace space.



String rsql1 = "@upper[code]==HELLO";
String rsql2 = "@concat[@upper[code]|name]=='TESTTest Lab'";
String rsql3 = "@concat[@upper[code]|#123]=='HELLO123'";


String sort1 = "@upper[code],asc";
String sort2 = "@concat[@upper[code]|name],asc";
String sort3 = "@concat[@upper[code]|#123],asc";


Java Library to Translate RSQL into Spring Data JPA Specification and QueryDSL Predicate







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