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ngocnicholas edited this page Nov 28, 2017 · 3 revisions

AirtableApiException Class

Provides a abstract base class for errors returned by the Airtable API client.

Namespace: AirtableApiClient

Assembly: AirtableApiClient.dll


public abstract class AirtableApiException : Exception

The AirtableApiException exposes the following members.


'protected' because AirtableApiException is an abstract class

Name Description
AirtableApiException(HttpStatusCode errorCode, string errorName, string errorMessage) initializes the members of the base class when a derived class is instantiated.


Name Description
ErrorCode gets or sets the error code of the exception
ErrorName gets or sets the name of the error of the exception
ErrorMessage gets or sets the error message of the exception

AirtableUnrecognizedException Class

This error has a HTTP status code returned by Airtable when the request was unrecognized.

Namespace: AirtableApiClient

Assembly: AirtableApiClient.dll


public class AirtableUnrecognizedException : AirtableApiException

The AirtableUnrecognizedException type exposes the following members.


Name Description
AirtableUnrecognizedException(HttpStatusCode statusCode) Initializes an instance of AirtableUnrecognizedException.

AirtableBadRequestException Class

Error returned when the request encoding was invalid thus can't be parsed as a valid JSON.

Namespace: AirtableApiClient

Assembly: AirtableApi.dll


public AirtableBadRequestException : AirtableApiException

The AirtableBadRequestException type exposes the following members.


Name Description
AirtableBadRequestException() initializes a new instance of AirtableBadRequestException.

AirtableUnauthorizedException Class

Error returned when the request was accessing a protected resource.

Namespace: AirtableApiClient

Assembly: AirtableApi.dll


public AirtableUnauthorizedException: AirtableApiException

The AirtableUnauthorizedExceptiontype exposes the following members.


Name Description
AirtableUnauthorizedException() initializes a new instance of AirtableUnauthorizedException.

AirtablePaymentRequiredException Class

Error returned when the account associated with the API key making requests hits a quota that can be increased by upgrading the [Airtable] account plan.

Namespace: AirtableApiClient

Assembly: AirtableApi.dll


public AirtablePaymentRequiredException: AirtableApiException

The AirtablePaymentRequiredException exposes the following members.


Name Description
AirtablePaymentRequiredException() Initializes an instance of AirtablePaymentRequiredException.

AirtableForbiddenException Class

Error returned when the request was accessing a protected resource with API credentials that don't have access to that resource.

Namespace: AirtableApiClient

Assembly: AirtableApiClient.dll


public AirtableForbiddenException: AirtableApiException

The AirtableForbiddenException exposes the following members.


Name Description
AirtableForbiddenException() Initialized an instance of AirtableForbiddenException.

AirtableNotFoundException Class

Error returned when when the request hits an undefined route, or if the resource doesn't exist (e.g. has been deleted).

Namespace: AirtableApiClient

Assembly: AirtableApiClient.dll


public AirtableNotFoundException: AirtableApiException

The AirtableNotFoundException exposes the following members.


Name Description
AirtableNotFoundException() Initializes an instance of AirtableNotFoundException.

AirtableRequestEntityTooLargeException Class

Error returned when the request exceeded the maximum allowed payload size. You shouldn't encounter this under normal use.

Namespace: AirtableApiClient

Assembly: AirtableApiClient.dll


public AirtableRequestEntityTooLargeException: AirtableApiException

The AirtableRequestEntityTooLargeException exposes the following members.


Name Description
AirtableRequestEntityTooLargeException() Initializes an instance of AirtableRequestEntityTooLargeException.

AirtableInvalidRequestException Class

Error returned when the request data is invalid. This includes most of the base-specific validations. The DetailedErrorMessage property contains the detailed error message string.

Namespace: AirtableApiClient

Assembly: AirtableApiClient.dll


public AirtableInvalidRequestException: AirtableApiException

The AirtableInvalidRequestException exposes the following members.


Name Description
AirtableInvalidRequestException() Initializes an instance of AirtableInvalidRequestException.


Name Description
DetailedErrorMessage gets the detailed error message of the exception.
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