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This project will help you run your Frank configurations with Tomcat.

Add a small build.xml to your project and run it to (re)start your Frank.



Clone or download this Frank!Runner project into the projects folder that contains your Frank project(s) (make the frank-runner folder a sibling of your project folder). You can now run build.xml files in projects that already have them (like the example projects in frank-runner/examples). See the sections Eclipse and VSCode on how to use Eclipse and VSCode to run a build.xml. When Tomcat has started you can browse to the following address:


In case your project doesn't contain a build.xml yet you can add it to the root folder of your project with the following content:

<project default="restart">
	<target name="restart">
		<basename property="project.dir" file="${basedir}"/>
		<condition property="exe" value="../frank-runner/restart.bat" else="/bin/bash"><os family="windows"/></condition>
		<condition property="arg" value="../frank-runner/" else=""><os family="unix"/></condition>
		<exec executable="${exe}" vmlauncher="false" failonerror="true">
			<arg value="${arg}"/>
			<arg value="-Dproject.dir=${project.dir}"/>

For Mac we need to use /bin/bash with as an argument to work around: Cannot run program "" (in directory ".../FrankRunner/frank-runner"): error=2, No such file or directory

To make the items in the Last Tasks list of the Task Explorer unique you can rename the target name restart in build.xml to something unique for your project (e.g. restart-frank2yourproject) (make the value of the default attribute of the project element the same).

You can also create a restart.bat with the following content which you can also run from Windows Explorer:

call ..\frank-runner\ant.bat
if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto end
set arg0=%0
if [%arg0:~2,1%]==[:] if not [%TERM_PROGRAM%] == [vscode] pause

And create a with the following content to run on Linux or Mac:


There are other ways possible to run the Frank!Runner scripts but to make it easy for all project members and to have good integration with Eclipse and VSCode the preferred way is to use a build.xml and optionally a restart.bat. Because the build.xml can be customized and to keep all customasations in one place restart.bat calls ant.bat to run the build.xml (instead of calling restart.bat).


The Frank!Runner is shipped with the following examples


Most basic Hello World example showing two configurations and a unit test. It is referenced by the manual, for example at the following locations:


Some more Hello Wold adapters using both the DirectoryClassLoader and the normal classpath. It is not referenced by the Frank!Manual.


Example usage of message log, error store, message store sender and message store listener. Description attributes have been added to the adapters which can be read from the console. This will explain how to test and use the adapters to be able to understand how the to e.g. resend messages.

This example is referenced by the Frank!Manual at the following location:


Example usage of Frank!Flow. In Frank2Example4 the Frank!Flow can be found at the top of the Frank!Console menu. For information about the Frank!Flow go to:

Better example Frank! configuration files for Frank2Example4 to demonstrate and / or test Frank!Flow are appreciated. Please create a pull request, an issue or send an email with your improvements.


To run the webapp, example and test modules of you can use the build.xml files in the specials folder. As with other projects the iaf folder needs to be a sibling folder of the frank-runner folder.

Project structure and customisation

In case Frank2YourApplication contains a pom.xml it is assumed to be a Maven project and the following default values are used:




Hence by default your folder structure will need to look like the following (for non-maven projects):


You can overwrite default values by creating a in the project to run. In case you need to change the default value for projects.dir (which is ..) you can create a in the frank-runner folder (which can also be used to specify the project.dir as explained earlier).

Your project doesn't need to contain a context.xml in case you want to use H2.

When changing files in the classes folder you need to restart Tomcat. When changing files in the configurations folder you need to reload the configuration in the Frank!Framework console (or restart Tomcat).

More information on Frank configuration files and Frank property files and how to use them can be found in the Frank!Manual.

Project per config

In case your application comprises several Frank!Configurations and you would like to have a project per configuration (e.g. to give each configuration it's own CI/CD pipeline) the following setup would be possible and is automatically detected by the Frank!Runner based on the presence of the war/pom.xml:

      |  |--src
      |  |  |--...
      |  |--pom.xml
      |  |--src
      |  |  |--...
      |  |--pom.xml
      |  |  |--main
      |  |     |--configuration
      |  |        |--Config1

The build.xml in the config projects need to have to following content (see section Installation for the content of the build.xml that should be added to the main project) (you can rename target restart to restart-<projectname> to have better overview on the Last Tasks list of the Task Explorer):

<project default="restart">
	<target name="restart">
		<basename property="project.dir" file="${basedir}"/>
		<split projectdir="${project.dir}"/>
		<condition property="exe" value="../frank-runner/restart.bat" else="/bin/bash"><os family="windows"/></condition>
		<condition property="arg" value="../frank-runner/" else=""><os family="unix"/></condition>
		<exec executable="${exe}" vmlauncher="false" failonerror="true">
			<arg value="${arg}"/>
			<arg value="-Dmain.project=${main.project}"/>
			<arg value="-Dsub.project=${sub.project}"/>
	<scriptdef language="javascript" name="split">
		<attribute name="projectdir"/> 
		var projectDir = attributes.get("projectdir");
		var i = projectDir.indexOf('_');
		project.setProperty("main.project", projectDir.substring(0, i));
		project.setProperty("sub.project", projectDir.substring(i + 1));

This way every (configuration) project can be started and tested by it's own.

Debug property

Add the following to either a in the frank-runner folder or a in the root folder of your project to make the Frank!Runner display the most important properties just above the Frank!Runner ASCII art:


Frank!Framework version

By default the Frank!Runner will check once every hour at startup whether a new Frank!Framework version is available and download and use the latest Frank!Framework version. This means you are running a Frank!Framework version with the latest and greatest features but also a version that did not yet pass all quality checks yet. Hence, you might run into a bug in the Frank!Framework. Please report any Frank!Framework bugs at:

We appreciate your help but in case you would like to use a more reliable version and/or like to disable the update mechanism add the following to either a in the frank-runner folder or a in the root folder of your project:


Or specify a specific Frank!Framework version like:




Check the following url to see all available Frank!Framework versions:

Please note that very old versions might not run correctly with the Frank!Runner.

Other properties and software versions

At the top of the build.xml (in the init target) you will find a lot of properties which you can override in either a in the frank-runner folder or a in the root folder of your project.

You could for example specify a different JDK, Ant or Tomcat version. E.g. for Tomcat use:


Please consider making a pull request in case you find a newer software version to keep the Frank!Runner up to date with the latest software versions.

In some cases you might want to run on a different port and/or context. E.g. to run on:




In case you have another Tomcat running on port 80 (possible using another Frank!Runner instance) you probably also want to change the tomcat.server.port which defaults to 8005 to prevent a conflict between the two Tomcat instances. E.g. use:


How to add custom jars and classes

In case you need to (for example) add your own pipe which is not available in the Frank!Framework or you would like to customize an existing pipe in the Frank!Framework you can add a java folder to the project with your custom .java file(s).

For a Maven project the default value for the java folder is:




For custom jar files create the following folders:


All jars added to lib/server are copied to the Tomcat lib folder. All jars added to lib/webapp are copied to the WEB-INF/lib containing the Frank!Framework jar files and dependencies.


Choose one of the methods described in the sections below to run the build.xml and/or restart.bat in your project. See section Installation for more information on the build.xml and restart.bat and how to add them to your project in case they don't exist yet.


Right click on build.xml, Run As, Ant Build. The second time you can use the run button on the Toolbar.


Open the terminal view, cd to your project and execute restart.bat.


Choose one of the methods described in the sections below to run the build.xml and/or restart.bat in your project. See section Installation for more information on the build.xml and restart.bat and how to add them to your project in case they don't exist yet.

Task Explorer

Install plugin Task Explorer and configure it to use ant.bat or any other Ant installation by filling "Path To Ant" in the Extension Settings of Task Explorer with:


Backslashes will also work except when your VSCode is configured to use a bash shell.

Disable the "Enable Ansicon For Ant" option. Now you can use Task Explorer to either run the build.xml or the restart.bat in your project.

Below the file explorer open the Task Explorer, select restart below ant or restart.bat below batch and click the Run button.

Task Explorer with Ansicon

It is also possible to install Ansicon and keep Ansicon enabled in the Task Explorer plugin but your system might think it is malwar:


You can download Ansion at:

Fill "Path To Ansicon" in the Extension Settings of Task Explorer with the path to Ansicon (and keep the "Enable Ansicon For Ant" option enabled) in case you would like to use Ansicon.

Ant Target Runner

Install plugin Ant Target Runner and configure it to use ant.bat or any other ant installation by adding the following to settings.json:

"ant.executable": "C:\\path\\to\\frank-runner\\ant.bat",

You might need to restart VSCode for the Ant Target Runner plugin to detect the build.xml in the project you have opened. Below the file explorer open the Ant Target Runner, select the restart target and push the Run Selected Ant Target button. Please note that the Ant Target Runner will only be able to use the build.xml in the root of the currently opened folder/workspace.


Right click restart.bat in your project, click Open in Terminal and execute:

projects\your-project> .\restart.bat


In the root of the opened folder create a new folder called .vscode and within the new .vscode folder create a tasks.json with the following content:

    "version": "2.0.0",
    "tasks": [
            "label": "Restart",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "./restart.bat",
            "group": {
                "kind": "build",
                "isDefault": true

This will make it possible to restart using ctrl-shift-B (or go to Terminal, Run Task...).

Command line

For Frank!Runner command line usage execute the commands below either from the Windows Command Prompt, Windows PowerShell, a terminal in Eclipse, VSCode or any other terminal.

In case you did not already clone or download Frank!Runner and you have the git command available (otherwise download it manually or use another Git program to clone the project):

projects> git clone

Change directory to frank-runner:

projects> cd frank-runner

On Windows run the following command:

projects\frank-runner> .\run.bat

And on Linux or Mac run:

projects\frank-runner> ./

You can now browse to the following address to find the Frank!Framework console:


You can stop Tomcat using the following combination of keys:


Instead of the run script (.bat or .sh) you can also use the start, stop and restart scripts which will return after being executed (opening Tomcat in a separate window):

projects\frank-runner> .\start.bat
projects\frank-runner> .\stop.bat
projects\frank-runner> .\restart.bat


You can call Frank!Runner from a script. Any parameter passed to Frank!Runner is passed to Ant and Tomcat. For instance, to create an instance with a specific Frank!Framework version (7.2 in the example), logging to a specific log directory, the following call can be made:

path\to\frank-runner\start.bat -Dff.version=7.2 -Dlog.dir=logs/7.2

This will create the instance, deploy on Tomcat, start Tomcat and return to the script. To shutdown Tomcat, call stop:



Run any Frank with Tomcat







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  • Batchfile 52.1%
  • Shell 47.9%