This project is currently under hiatus until the development of Campsite Chat reaches to a beta state.
Katarogu is a free, open-source and community driven manga and anime tracking service built as an open and modern alternative to existing services like MAL and MyAniList.
Katarogu is currently in alpha stages of development, breaking changes, bugs and missing features are to be expected.
Katarogu offers a docker-compose.yaml
file which provides a starting point for setting up some required services.
Make sure you have Docker and the compose plugin installed on your system.
Since MongoDB is schemaless, you do not need to run any migrations on the database. Just make sure that the database is running and that Katarogu can connect to it.
Since Katarogu handles authentication using Lucia, a mail server is required to send verification codes, notifications, etc.
Update the SMTP values inside the .env
file to setup mail.
I personally use a service called Plunk.
TLDR; any SMTP server should work fine, just update the .env
When hosting Katarogu, you can either store assets (such as avatars, banners, etc) in an S3 bucket, or directly inside the Mongo Database.
To enable storing assets inside an S3 bucket, add the following properties to your environment variables:
# This will tell Katarogu to use S3 instead of MongoDB.
If you need to contact me, please send inquires via email: hi at tygr dot dev.