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Prevent rate-limiting errors and more

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@github-actions github-actions released this 19 Jan 16:59
· 29 commits to refs/heads/master since this release

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Notable changes

This release optimizes the use of the Easee API to avoid rate limiting that could affect installations with larger number of chargers. A new entity is added so the brightness of the LED strip can be controlled from the UI.


  • CostData class for handling of cost updates added @olalid (#561)
  • fix: make currency id required @TheSinding (#556)
  • Product data reworked to send out notifications to registered change listeners @olalid (#541)

New Features

  • Represent LED strip brightness as a light entity @astrandb (#550)
  • Add support for time to live for set_charger_dynamic_limit @olalid (#549)
  • Changes to sensor configs @olalid (#545)

Bug Fixes


4 changes


Code quality and maintenance

Development environment and tools