During the admission time of a student in college, a student need to submit various documents like Secondary Marksheet, Higher Secondary Marksheet, Domicile Certificate, Birth Certificate, Aadhar Card, etc. The documents submitted are either original or are a photocopy. The documents are returned after one year and in case a student needs a particular document before that period, then the admin issues that particular document to him/her. Now, there are around 4000 admissions per year in my college and it is really hard for the admin to keep track of all the submitted, pending & issued documents. So, any admin could use this web-app to carry out these tasks without dropping a sweat.
- Add a student either by filling a form or importing an excel file.
- Submit Documents of any student.
- Issue Documents to a particular Student.
- Show the list of Students who have pending documents.
- Delete a student.
- Further, authentication is also provided so that only an admin can make changes in the DB.
To build the web-app we have used a theme by "https://startbootstrap.com/", rest of the front-end is build using Bootstrap. In the backend, we have used Node JS, Express JS, MonogDB.
- To add advanced interaction controls in out HTML tables, we have used DataTables(https://datatables.net/).
- To upload an excel file, we have used Multer(https://www.npmjs.com/package/multer).
- We used "xlsx-to-json" to convert an excel file into a JSON object(https://www.npmjs.com/package/xlsx-to-json).
- And to add authetication in our web-app, we used Passport JS(http://www.passportjs.org/).
Himanshu Modi : https://github.com/Himanshu-Modi
Sachin Kumar : https://github.com/sk92907