Alchemy's Modular Account is a maximally modular, upgradeable smart contract account that is compatible with ERC-4337 and ERC-6900.
⚠️ This branch contains changes that are under development. To use the latest audited version make sure to use the correct commit. The tagged versions can be found in the releases.
This repository contains:
- Modular Account implementation
- Modular Account factory
- 2 ERC-6900 compatible plugins:
- MultiOwnerPlugin is a plugin supporting 1+ ECDSA or contract owners.
- SessionKeyPlugin enables session keys with optional permissions such as time ranges, token spend limits, and gas spend limits.
The account and plugins conform to these ERC versions:
is used for all function selectors.validation
are used to representvalidator
are used to representvalidationFunction
# Build options
forge build
FOUNDRY_PROFILE=lite forge build
FOUNDRY_PROFILE=optimized-build forge build --sizes
# Lint
pnpm lint
# Test Options
forge test -vvv
FOUNDRY_PROFILE=lite forge test -vvv
A deployment script can be found in the scripts/
forge script script/Deploy.s.sol --rpc-url $RPC_URL --broadcast
Our audit reports from Spearbit and Quantstamp can be found in audits. Note that the reports may contain references to the term MSCA, which stands for modular smart contract account, as defined in the terms for ERC-6900. This is synonymous with modular account.
Details of our bug bounty program can be found at
The contracts in this repository adhere to the ERC-6900 specification, and are heavily influenced by the design of the ERC-6900 reference implementation.
The Modular Account libraries (all code inside the src/libraries directory) are licensed under the MIT License, also included in our repository in LICENSE-MIT.
The Modular Account interfaces and ERC-6900 interfaces (all code inside the src/interfaces directory) are licensed under the CC0 1.0 Universal License.
All other code for Modular Account is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0, also included in our repository in LICENSE-GPL.
Alchemy Insights, Inc., 548 Market St., PMB 49099, San Francisco, CA 94104; [email protected]