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lubegasimon committed Sep 23, 2021
1 parent 0774ce6 commit 89dd2cf
Showing 1 changed file with 125 additions and 81 deletions.
206 changes: 125 additions & 81 deletions src/markdown/
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Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,48 @@ open Odoc_document
open Types
open Doctree

module Markup = struct
module Markup : sig
type t

val noop : t

val break : t

val nbsp : t

val space : t

val backticks : t

val open_sq_bracket : t

val close_sq_bracket : t

val ( ++ ) : t -> t -> t

val concat : t list -> t

val inline' : string list -> t

val block' : t list -> t

val list : ?sep:t -> t list -> t

val anchor' : string -> t

val string : string -> t

val str : ('a, unit, string, t) format4 -> 'a

val escaped : ('a, unit, string, t) format4 -> 'a

val open_parenthesis : t

val close_parenthesis : t

val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
end = struct
type t =
| Inline of string list
| Block of t list
| Concat of t list
| Break
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -54,13 +93,16 @@ module Markup = struct

let string s = String s

let block' ts = Block ts

let inline' l = (fun s -> string s) l |> concat

let str fmt = Format.ksprintf (fun s -> string s) fmt

let escaped fmt = Format.ksprintf (fun s -> string s) fmt

let rec pp fmt t =
match t with
| Inline s -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (String.concat "" s)
| Block b ->
let inner = function
| [] -> ()
Expand All @@ -77,7 +119,7 @@ module Markup = struct
within backtick, and the spaces before and after the backticks for
clarity on what should be enclosed in backticks. For example,
"type nums = [ | `One | `Two ]" would be rendered as "``|`````Monday`` "
if the spaces were not there.
if the spaces were missing.
| Backticks -> Format.fprintf fmt " `` "
| Nbsp -> Format.fprintf fmt "  "
Expand All @@ -103,93 +145,89 @@ let style (style : style) content =
| `Superscript -> string "<sup>" ++ content
| `Subscript -> string "<sub>" ++ content

(*I'm not sure if `make_hashes` is the best name to use! *)
let make_hashes n = String.make n '#'

type args = { generate_links : bool ref }

let args = { generate_links = ref true }

let rec source_code (s : Source.t) =
let rec source_code (s : Source.t) nbsp =
match s with
| [] -> noop
| h :: t -> (
let continue s = if s = [] then concat [] else source_code s nbsp in
match h with
| Source.Elt i -> inline i ++ source_code t
| Tag (None, s) -> source_code s ++ source_code t
| Tag (Some _, s) -> source_code s ++ source_code t)
| Source.Elt i -> inline i nbsp ++ continue t
| Tag (None, s) -> continue s ++ continue t
| Tag (Some _, s) -> continue s ++ continue t)

and inline (l : Inline.t) =
and inline (l : Inline.t) nbsp =
match l with
| [] -> noop
| i :: rest -> (
let continue i = if i = [] then noop else inline i nbsp in
match i.desc with
| Text "" -> inline rest
| Text _ ->
let l, _, rest =
Doctree.Take.until l ~classify:(function
| { Inline.desc = Text s; _ } -> (
match s with
| "end" ->
break ++ space
++ string (make_hashes 6)
++ space ++ nbsp ++ string s;
| _ -> Accum [ str "%s" s ])
| _ -> Stop_and_keep)
concat l ++ inline rest
| Text "" -> continue rest
| Text s -> (
match s with
| "end" ->
break ++ string (make_hashes 6) ++ space ++ nbsp ++ string s
| _ ->
let l, _, rest =
Doctree.Take.until l ~classify:(function
| { Inline.desc = Text s; _ } -> Accum [ str "%s" s ]
| _ -> Stop_and_keep)
concat l ++ continue rest)
| Entity e ->
let x = entity e in
x ++ inline rest
| Styled (sty, content) -> style sty (inline content) ++ inline rest
| Linebreak -> break ++ inline rest
x ++ continue rest
| Styled (sty, content) -> style sty (continue content) ++ continue rest
| Linebreak -> break ++ continue rest
| Link (href, content) ->
if !(args.generate_links) then
match content with
| [] -> noop
| i :: rest ->
(match i.desc with
| Text _ ->
open_sq_bracket ++ inline content ++ close_sq_bracket
open_sq_bracket ++ continue content ++ close_sq_bracket
++ open_parenthesis ++ string href ++ close_parenthesis
++ inline rest
| _ -> inline content ++ inline rest)
++ inline rest
else inline content ++ inline rest
++ continue rest
| _ -> continue content ++ continue rest)
++ continue rest
else continue content ++ continue rest
| InternalLink (Resolved (link, content)) ->
if !(args.generate_links) then
match with
| Some _ -> inline content ++ inline rest
| Some _ -> continue content ++ continue rest
| None ->
open_sq_bracket ++ inline content ++ close_sq_bracket
open_sq_bracket ++ continue content ++ close_sq_bracket
++ open_parenthesis
++ string (make_hashes 1 ^ link.anchor)
++ close_parenthesis ++ inline rest
else inline content ++ inline rest
| InternalLink (Unresolved content) -> inline content ++ inline rest
++ close_parenthesis ++ continue rest
else continue content ++ continue rest
| InternalLink (Unresolved content) -> continue content ++ continue rest
| Source content ->
backticks ++ source_code content ++ backticks ++ inline rest
| Raw_markup t -> raw_markup t ++ inline rest)
backticks ++ source_code content nbsp ++ backticks ++ continue rest
| Raw_markup t -> raw_markup t ++ continue rest)

let rec block (l : Block.t) =
let rec block (l : Block.t) nbsp =
match l with
| [] -> noop
| b :: rest -> (
let continue r = if r = [] then noop else break ++ block r in
let continue r = if r = [] then noop else break ++ block r nbsp in
match b.desc with
| Inline i -> inline i ++ continue rest
| Paragraph i -> inline i ++ break ++ break ++ continue rest
| Inline i -> inline i nbsp ++ continue rest
| Paragraph i -> inline i nbsp ++ break ++ break ++ continue rest
| List (list_typ, l) ->
let f n b =
let bullet =
match list_typ with
| Unordered -> escaped "- "
| Ordered -> str "%d. " (n + 1)
bullet ++ block b ++ break
bullet ++ block b nbsp ++ break
list ~sep:break (List.mapi f l) ++ continue rest
| Description _ ->
Expand All @@ -199,16 +237,14 @@ let rec block (l : Block.t) =
| _ -> Stop_and_keep)
let f i =
let key = inline i.Description.key in
let def = block i.Description.definition in
let key = inline i.Description.key nbsp in
let def = block i.Description.definition nbsp in
break ++ str "@" ++ key ++ str " : " ++ def ++ break ++ break
list ~sep:break ( f descrs) ++ continue rest
| Source content -> source_code content ++ continue rest
(*TODO: I'm not sure if indenting using spaces is the better way, or
creating an indent constructor*)
| Source content -> source_code content nbsp ++ continue rest
| Verbatim content ->
space ++ space ++ space ++ str "%s" content ++ continue rest
space ++ space ++ space ++ space ++ str "%s" content ++ continue rest
| Raw_markup t -> raw_markup t ++ continue rest)

let expansion_not_inlined url = not (Link.should_inline url)
Expand All @@ -224,10 +260,9 @@ let take_code l =
(c, rest)

let heading { Heading.label; level; title } =
let heading { Heading.label; level; title } nbsp =
let level =
match level with
(*TODO: We may want to create markup type for these! *)
| 1 -> make_hashes 1
| 2 -> make_hashes 2
| 3 -> make_hashes 3
Expand All @@ -238,34 +273,37 @@ let heading { Heading.label; level; title } =
(* We can be sure that h6 will never be exceded! *)
match label with
| Some _ -> (
| Some l -> (
(*TODO: Improve this! ! *)
match level with
| "#" -> string level ++ (space ++ inline title)
| _ -> string level ++ (space ++ inline title ++ break ++ str "---"))
| None -> string level ++ space ++ inline title
| "#" -> string level ++ str ":%s " l ++ (space ++ inline title nbsp)
| _ -> string level ++ (space ++ inline title nbsp ++ break ++ str "---"))
| None -> string level ++ space ++ inline title nbsp

let inline_subpage = function
| `Inline | `Open | `Default -> true
| `Closed -> false

let item_prop nbsp = string (make_hashes 6) ++ space ++ nbsp

let rec documented_src (l : DocumentedSrc.t) nbsp =
let rec documented_src (l : DocumentedSrc.t) nbsp nbsp' =
match l with
| [] -> noop
| line :: rest -> (
let continue r = documented_src r nbsp in
let continue l =
if l = [] then concat [] else documented_src l nbsp nbsp'
match line with
| Code _ ->
let c, rest = take_code l in
source_code c ++ continue rest
source_code c nbsp' ++ continue rest
| Alternative alt -> (
match alt with
| Expansion { expansion; url; _ } ->
if expansion_not_inlined url then
let c, rest = take_code l in
source_code c ++ continue rest
else documented_src expansion nbsp)
source_code c nbsp' ++ continue rest
else documented_src expansion nbsp nbsp')
| Subpage p -> subpage p.content nbsp ++ continue rest
| Documented _ | Nested _ ->
let lines, _, rest =
Expand All @@ -277,11 +315,11 @@ let rec documented_src (l : DocumentedSrc.t) nbsp =
| _ -> Stop_and_keep)
let f (content, doc, (anchor : Odoc_document.Url.t option)) =
let doc = match doc with [] -> noop | doc -> block doc in
let doc = match doc with [] -> noop | doc -> block doc nbsp in
let content =
match content with
| `D code -> inline code
| `N l -> documented_src l nbsp
| `D code -> inline code nbsp
| `N l -> documented_src l nbsp nbsp'
let anchor = match anchor with Some a -> a.anchor | None -> "" in
break ++ break ++ anchor' anchor ++ break ++ item_prop nbsp
Expand All @@ -297,29 +335,35 @@ and subpage { title = _; header = _; items; url = _ } nbsp =
surround @@ item nbsp content

and item nbsp (l : Item.t list) : Markup.t =
and item nbsp' (l : Item.t list) : Markup.t =
match l with
| [] -> noop
| i :: rest -> (
let continue r = if r = [] then noop else break ++ break ++ item nbsp r in
let continue r =
if r = [] then noop else break ++ break ++ item nbsp' r
match i with
| Text b -> block b ++ continue rest
| Heading h -> break ++ heading h ++ break ++ continue rest
| Text b -> block b nbsp' ++ continue rest
| Heading h -> break ++ heading h nbsp' ++ break ++ continue rest
| Declaration { attr = _; anchor; content; doc } ->
let nbsp' = nbsp ++ nbsp ++ nbsp in
let decl = documented_src content (nbsp ++ nbsp') in
let doc = match doc with [] -> noop | doc -> block doc ++ break in
let nbsp'' = nbsp ++ nbsp ++ nbsp ++ nbsp in
let decl = documented_src content (nbsp' ++ nbsp'') nbsp' in
let doc =
match doc with [] -> noop | doc -> block doc nbsp' ++ break
let anchor = match anchor with Some x -> x.anchor | None -> "" in
anchor' anchor ++ break ++ item_prop nbsp ++ decl ++ break ++ break
anchor' anchor ++ break ++ item_prop nbsp' ++ decl ++ break ++ break
++ doc ++ continue rest
| Include
{ attr = _; anchor = _; content = { summary; status; content }; doc }
let d =
if inline_subpage status then item nbsp content
if inline_subpage status then item nbsp' content
let s = source_code summary in
match doc with [] -> s | doc -> s ++ break ++ break ++ block doc
let s = source_code summary nbsp' in
match doc with
| [] -> s
| doc -> s ++ break ++ break ++ block doc nbsp'
d ++ continue rest)

Expand All @@ -339,9 +383,9 @@ and page generate_links ({ Page.header; items; url; _ } as p) =
let header = Shift.compute ~on_sub header in
let items = Shift.compute ~on_sub items in
let subpages = subpages p generate_links in
([ Inline (Link.for_printing url) ]
@ [ item nbsp header ++ item nbsp items ]
([ inline' (Link.for_printing url) ]
@ [ item (str "") header ++ item (str "") items ]
@ subpages)

let rec subpage subp =
Expand Down

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