This repository contains an implementation of the discrete attractor model used in the paper "Error-correcting dynamics in visual working memory" by Panichello, DePasquale, Pillow, and Buschman (2019).
Below are instructions for running a simple demo in which the model is fit to a sample dataset.
- MATLAB 2016b or later
- Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
Installation guide (<1 minute)
- Download the repository folder to your desktop and unzip
- Launch MATLAB and navigate to the unzipped repository folder using the 'CurrentFolder' gui
- Enter the following in the MATLAB command window:
>> addpath(pwd)
Demo/Instructions for use
To load a sample dataset and fit the discrete attractor model to this dataset, enter
>> demo
in the matlab command window. This script will take approximately 5 minutes to run. -
The function dpFit in demo.m returns a structure res. This structure contains the negative log-likelihood of the model fit and the associated maximum likelihood parameters. To view a list of the returned parameters, enter
>> res
. The output should look something like this:
>> res res = struct with fields: nLL: 618.8411 ss: [2x1 double] sigmaM: [2x1 double] sigmaE: [2x1 double] betaM: [2x1 double] betaE: [2x1 double] pgB: [2x1 double] psB: [2x1 double] sigmaR: 2.0745
- The value of specific parameters, (e.g., betaM for each set size) can be displayed using standard MATLAB conventions for indexing into structures, e.g.:
>> res.betaM
ans =
- For more information try
>> help dpFit