👨🎓 I am Patrick Mahnkopf, a Full Stack Software Engineer with an M.Sc. in Computer Science from the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany.
👨💻 I do Cross-Platform work with Flutter and Dart, Front end development with Angular, native development for Android, Machine Learning (especially working on Handwriting OCR using Tensorflow and Keras), as well as hobby projects such as an Add-on for the Spaced repetition software Anki.
🗺️ I love learning languages and using them to connect with people from all around the world. My current focus is on East Asia, but I plan to diversify my language repertoire when I have progressed enough in the languages I'm studying at the moment.
I currently speak German,
Japanese, and
Mandarin Chinese.
📖 I enjoy reading books on various topics ranging from technical literature like "Clean Architecture" by Robert C. Martin, philosophical books like "Superintelligence" by Nick Bostrom, and psychological books like "Where Good Ideas Come from" by Steven Johnson, "Why We Sleep" by Matthew Walker, and "The Language Instict" by Steven Pinker to name a few of my favorites.
- Dean's List 2020 member
- JASSO scholarship 2019
- DAAD scholarship 2019