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Joseph Rudoler [email protected] committed Nov 23, 2020
1 parent 1012224 commit 02cebd6
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 84 changed files with 24,646 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added ._ptsa_plot
Binary file not shown.
2,507 changes: 2,507 additions & 0 deletions .ipynb_checkpoints/01_Python_Jupyter_Numpy_Pandas-checkpoint.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,479 changes: 1,479 additions & 0 deletions .ipynb_checkpoints/02_Loading_Events_PTSA_MNE-checkpoint.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,437 changes: 1,437 additions & 0 deletions .ipynb_checkpoints/03_Working_with_EEG-checkpoint.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

910 changes: 910 additions & 0 deletions .ipynb_checkpoints/05_Machine_Learning_I-checkpoint.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

519 changes: 519 additions & 0 deletions .ipynb_checkpoints/06_Machine_Learning_II-checkpoint.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

430 changes: 430 additions & 0 deletions .ipynb_checkpoints/07_Parallel_Computing-checkpoint.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

515 changes: 515 additions & 0 deletions .ipynb_checkpoints/08_CMLReaders_Usage-checkpoint.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

354 changes: 354 additions & 0 deletions .ipynb_checkpoints/09_Biomarkers_of_Episodic_Memory-checkpoint.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,043 changes: 1,043 additions & 0 deletions .ipynb_checkpoints/A1_Connectivity-checkpoint.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2,025 changes: 2,025 additions & 0 deletions .ipynb_checkpoints/A2_Single_Unit_Analysis-checkpoint.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2,507 changes: 2,507 additions & 0 deletions 01_Python_Jupyter_Numpy_Pandas.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,460 changes: 1,460 additions & 0 deletions 02_Loading_Events_PTSA_MNE.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,896 changes: 1,896 additions & 0 deletions 03_Working_with_EEG.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

720 changes: 720 additions & 0 deletions 04_Signal_Processing_Spectral_Analysis.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

839 changes: 839 additions & 0 deletions 05_Machine_Learning_I.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

519 changes: 519 additions & 0 deletions 06_Machine_Learning_II.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

430 changes: 430 additions & 0 deletions 07_Parallel_Computing.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

515 changes: 515 additions & 0 deletions 08_CMLReaders_Usage.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

1,043 changes: 1,043 additions & 0 deletions A1_Connectivity.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2,025 changes: 2,025 additions & 0 deletions A2_Single_Unit_Analysis.ipynb

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Binary file added __pycache__/ClusterRun.cpython-37.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added __pycache__/topo.cpython-37.pyc
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added materials/._EHM Ch.6.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added materials/._EHM Chapter 3.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added materials/._EHM Chapter 5.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added materials/._EHM_Ch1&2.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added materials/._Lecture1_EstesWorkshop.key
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added materials/._session_5_machine_learning_I.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added materials/._session_6_machine_learning_II.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added materials/EHM Ch.6.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added materials/EHM Chapter 3.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added materials/EHM Chapter 5.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added materials/EHM_Ch1&2.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added ptsa_plot/.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added ptsa_plot/._.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added ptsa_plot/._.gitignore
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added ptsa_plot/._.travis.yml
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added ptsa_plot/
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added ptsa_plot/._README.rst
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added ptsa_plot/._ptsa_plot
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added ptsa_plot/._setup.cfg
Binary file not shown.
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions ptsa_plot/.gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files

# C extensions

# Distribution / packaging

# PyInstaller
# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.

# Installer logs

# Unit test / coverage reports

# Translations

# Django stuff:

# Flask stuff:

# Scrapy stuff:

# Sphinx documentation

# PyBuilder

# Jupyter Notebook

# pyenv

# celery beat schedule file

# SageMath parsed files

# dotenv

# virtualenv

# Spyder project settings

# Rope project settings

# mkdocs documentation

43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions ptsa_plot/.travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
dist: trusty
sudo: false
language: python
# We don't actually use the Travis Python, but this keeps it organized.
- "2.7"
- "3.5"
- "3.6"
email: false
- CC=gcc-4.9 CXX=g++-4.9 NO_RHINO=1
# We do this conditionally because it saves us some downloading if the
# version is the same.
- if [[ "$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION" == "2.7" ]]; then
wget -O;
wget -O;
- bash -b -p $HOME/miniconda
- export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH"
- hash -r
- conda config --set always_yes yes --set changeps1 no
- conda update -q conda
- conda info -a
- conda create -q -n test-environment python=$TRAVIS_PYTHON_VERSION numpy scipy xarray pywavelets h5py swig
- source activate test-environment
- conda install -y -c pennmem ptsa
- pip install pytest pytest-cov

- ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
- gcc-4.9
- g++-4.9
- libfftw3-dev

- python -m ptsa_plot.test
- coverage report
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions ptsa_plot/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Contributing to ptsa_plot

## General guidelines

- Always use docstrings for classes and functions.
doc strings are preferred.
- It's nice to include demo usages whether in docstrings or as a standalone
example file.

## How to contribute new code

1. Fork this repository and create a new branch
2. Add your new code to a sensible place
3. Follow [PEP8][] guidelines as best as possible (it's OK to ignore the line
length limit of 80 characters)
4. Add unit tests to ensure that everything works as expected. Test files should
be placed in the `ptsa_plot.test` package and be named ``
where `yournewmodule` is the name of your new module.
5. Submit a pull request
6. Make modifications as requested by the maintainers

Your new code should run on Python 3 and legacy Python 2.7. Some exceptions may
exist if dependencies for some reason are not compatible with certain Python
versions (you should seriously consider if it's a necessary dependency if that
is the case).

14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions ptsa_plot/README.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@

.. image::

Plotting and visualization utilities using all your favorite PTSA toppings.


This is a collaborative project meant to collect useful plotting and
visualization routines in one place. Please see ```` for
guidelines on how to get your own code included.
Binary file added ptsa_plot/ptsa_plot/.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added ptsa_plot/ptsa_plot/._.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added ptsa_plot/ptsa_plot/
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added ptsa_plot/ptsa_plot/
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added ptsa_plot/ptsa_plot/._electrode_layouts
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added ptsa_plot/ptsa_plot/._test
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added ptsa_plot/ptsa_plot/
Binary file not shown.
Empty file added ptsa_plot/ptsa_plot/
Empty file.
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions ptsa_plot/ptsa_plot/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
"""Coordinate system conversion utilities."""

import numpy as np

def deg2rad(degrees):
"""Convert degrees to radians."""
return degrees / 180. * np.pi

def rad2deg(radians):
"""Convert radians to degrees."""
return radians / np.pi * 180.

def pol2cart(theta, radius, z=None, radians=True):
"""Converts corresponding angles (theta), radii, and (optional) height (z)
from polar (or, when height is given, cylindrical) coordinates
to Cartesian coordinates x, y, and z.
Theta is assumed to be in radians, but will be converted
from degrees if radians==False.
if radians:
x = radius * np.cos(theta)
y = radius * np.sin(theta)
x = radius * np.cos(deg2rad(theta))
y = radius * np.sin(deg2rad(theta))
if z is not None:
return x, y, z
return x, y

def cart2pol(x, y, z=None, radians=True):
"""Converts corresponding Cartesian coordinates x, y, and (optional) z
to polar (or, when z is given, cylindrical) coordinates
angle (theta), radius, and z.
By default theta is returned in radians, but will be converted
to degrees if radians==False.
if radians:
theta = np.arctan2(y, x)
theta = rad2deg(np.arctan2(y, x))
radius = np.hypot(x, y)
if z is not None:
return theta, radius, z
return theta, radius
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions ptsa_plot/ptsa_plot/electrode_layouts/GSN129.dat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
3.8241827e+01 3.3888206e+01 2.6304955e+01 1.8445913e+01 1.4506407e+01 0.0000000e+00 -3.9057101e+01 2.3656025e+01 1.8856055e+01 1.3994913e+01 0.0000000e+00 -1.4506407e+01 -3.6148575e+01 1.0592588e+01 6.4845245e+00 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 -6.4845245e+00 -1.3994913e+01 -1.8445913e+01 -3.3348566e+01 -1.0592588e+01 -1.8856055e+01 -2.6304955e+01 -3.4234344e+01 -2.3656025e+01 -3.3888206e+01 -4.2719008e+01 -5.3020925e+01 -5.9786194e+01 -7.5958075e+01 -1.1813245e+02 -3.8241827e+01 -4.7997295e+01 -6.1855338e+01 -7.2089465e+01 -8.7423024e+01 -1.1115585e+02 -5.5602412e+01 -6.9707597e+01 -7.9906235e+01 -9.1252163e+01 -1.1147459e+02 -6.5249879e+01 -7.7780619e+01 -8.8226249e+01 -1.0092497e+02 -1.1104064e+02 -8.3051033e+01 -1.1140607e+02 -1.1933948e+02 -1.2726362e+02 -1.3353332e+02 -1.4911757e+02 1.8000000e+02 -1.2022233e+02 -1.2024175e+02 -1.2880516e+02 -1.3654079e+02 -1.4505509e+02 -1.5702729e+02 1.8000000e+02 -1.3293845e+02 -1.3636909e+02 -1.4687303e+02 -1.5491284e+02 -1.6292934e+02 1.8000000e+02 -1.4987398e+02 -1.5601667e+02 -1.6275088e+02 -1.6793193e+02 1.8000000e+02 -1.6553625e+02 -1.6703238e+02 1.8000000e+02 1.6793193e+02 1.6292934e+02 1.5702729e+02 1.4911757e+02 1.1813245e+02 1.8000000e+02 1.6703238e+02 1.6275088e+02 1.5491284e+02 1.4505509e+02 1.3353332e+02 1.1115585e+02 1.6553625e+02 1.5601667e+02 1.4687303e+02 1.3654079e+02 1.2726362e+02 1.1147459e+02 1.4987398e+02 1.3636909e+02 1.2880516e+02 1.1933948e+02 1.1104064e+02 1.3293845e+02 1.2024175e+02 1.1140607e+02 1.0092497e+02 9.1252163e+01 8.7423024e+01 7.5958075e+01 3.9057101e+01 1.2022233e+02 8.8226249e+01 7.9906235e+01 7.2089465e+01 5.9786194e+01 3.6148575e+01 8.3051033e+01 7.7780619e+01 6.9707597e+01 6.1855338e+01 5.3020925e+01 3.3348566e+01 6.5249879e+01 5.5602412e+01 4.7997295e+01 4.2719008e+01 3.4234344e+01 4.7268792e+01 2.4970025e+01 -2.4970025e+01 -4.7268792e+01 -0.0000000e+00
5.7435555e-01 4.9211244e-01 4.1054770e-01 3.2178968e-01 2.3895219e-01 1.4198533e-01 8.2493070e-02 5.5329363e-01 4.7702561e-01 3.9148601e-01 3.0904334e-01 2.3895219e-01 1.7013032e-01 5.3636357e-01 4.6312362e-01 3.9400020e-01 5.8014881e-01 4.6312362e-01 3.9148601e-01 3.2178968e-01 2.6367691e-01 5.3636357e-01 4.7702561e-01 4.1054770e-01 3.4964389e-01 5.5329363e-01 4.9211244e-01 4.2583549e-01 3.4473021e-01 2.4517683e-01 1.5524645e-01 9.5851512e-02 5.7435555e-01 5.1224224e-01 4.2206600e-01 3.4627907e-01 2.5844969e-01 1.9592503e-01 6.2724444e-01 5.3625084e-01 4.4802495e-01 3.8089340e-01 2.9590146e-01 7.2583061e-01 6.4143205e-01 5.4563936e-01 4.5766663e-01 3.9773419e-01 7.4288762e-01 5.5534027e-01 4.7832833e-01 3.8447455e-01 2.8655722e-01 1.8228612e-01 1.1740025e-01 7.4541467e-01 6.3296406e-01 5.6050470e-01 4.7202527e-01 3.7322426e-01 2.8383293e-01 2.1310630e-01 7.3277406e-01 6.2251579e-01 5.5416077e-01 4.6633612e-01 3.7536174e-01 2.8985751e-01 7.1178026e-01 6.1282201e-01 5.4332190e-01 4.6577728e-01 4.0135547e-01 7.0192122e-01 6.2854804e-01 5.3094877e-01 4.6577728e-01 3.7536174e-01 2.8383293e-01 1.8228612e-01 9.5851512e-02 6.9093251e-01 6.2854804e-01 5.4332190e-01 4.6633612e-01 3.7322426e-01 2.8655722e-01 1.9592503e-01 7.0192122e-01 6.1282201e-01 5.5416077e-01 4.7202527e-01 3.8447455e-01 2.9590146e-01 7.1178026e-01 6.2251579e-01 5.6050470e-01 4.7832833e-01 3.9773419e-01 7.3277406e-01 6.3296406e-01 5.5534027e-01 4.5766663e-01 3.8089340e-01 2.5844969e-01 1.5524645e-01 8.2493070e-02 7.4541467e-01 5.4563936e-01 4.4802495e-01 3.4627907e-01 2.4517683e-01 1.7013032e-01 7.4288762e-01 6.4143205e-01 5.3625084e-01 4.2206600e-01 3.4473021e-01 2.6367691e-01 7.2583061e-01 6.2724444e-01 5.1224224e-01 4.2583549e-01 3.4964389e-01 6.9491142e-01 7.5332566e-01 7.5332566e-01 6.9491142e-01 0.0000000e+00
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions ptsa_plot/ptsa_plot/electrode_layouts/HCGSN128.dat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
4.6351589e+01 3.8264632e+01 2.6846561e+01 2.1874325e+01 1.4581944e+01 0.0000000e+00 -3.8133998e+01 2.7825796e+01 1.6876327e+01 1.1872545e+01 0.0000000e+00 -1.4581944e+01 -3.6815100e+01 7.6337108e+00 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 0.0000000e+00 -1.1872545e+01 -2.1874325e+01 -3.6759195e+01 -7.6337108e+00 -1.6876327e+01 -2.6846561e+01 -3.6524362e+01 -2.7825796e+01 -3.8264632e+01 -4.6178909e+01 -5.3144352e+01 -6.0468013e+01 -7.5431834e+01 -1.0929177e+02 -4.6351589e+01 -5.7179011e+01 -6.6490962e+01 -7.6922594e+01 -8.7022947e+01 -1.1123182e+02 -6.1131219e+01 -8.3258549e+01 -8.9750790e+01 -9.6616476e+01 -1.1144028e+02 -6.9654787e+01 -7.9413888e+01 -1.0433176e+02 -1.0744971e+02 -1.1408635e+02 -6.9431184e+01 -8.6215277e+01 -1.2067732e+02 -1.2543764e+02 -1.2762566e+02 -1.3391069e+02 -1.4637742e+02 1.8000000e+02 -1.1170657e+02 -1.1960885e+02 -1.3364463e+02 -1.4104708e+02 -1.4581619e+02 -1.5683771e+02 1.8000000e+02 -1.2889243e+02 -1.3736791e+02 -1.4746039e+02 -1.5479273e+02 -1.6591948e+02 -1.4940375e+02 -1.5510218e+02 -1.6235024e+02 -1.7054614e+02 1.8000000e+02 -1.6556632e+02 -1.7241621e+02 1.8000000e+02 1.7054614e+02 1.6591948e+02 1.5683771e+02 1.4637742e+02 1.0929177e+02 1.8000000e+02 1.7241621e+02 1.6235024e+02 1.5479273e+02 1.4581619e+02 1.3391069e+02 1.1123182e+02 1.6556632e+02 1.5510218e+02 1.4746039e+02 1.4104708e+02 1.2762566e+02 1.1144028e+02 1.4940375e+02 1.3736791e+02 1.3364463e+02 1.2543764e+02 1.1408635e+02 1.2889243e+02 1.1960885e+02 1.2067732e+02 1.0744971e+02 9.6616476e+01 8.7022947e+01 7.5431834e+01 3.8133998e+01 1.1170657e+02 1.0433176e+02 8.9750790e+01 7.6922594e+01 6.0468013e+01 3.6815100e+01 8.6215277e+01 7.9413888e+01 8.3258549e+01 6.6490962e+01 5.3144352e+01 3.6759195e+01 6.9431184e+01 6.9654787e+01 6.1131219e+01 5.7179011e+01 4.6178909e+01 3.6524362e+01 5.3521492e+01 2.9379528e+01 -2.9379528e+01 -5.3521492e+01
5.9922820e-01 4.8855253e-01 3.9041997e-01 3.1698474e-01 2.2653740e-01 1.4307050e-01 7.3410787e-02 5.4732752e-01 4.6285863e-01 3.9053301e-01 3.2024325e-01 2.2653740e-01 1.5618491e-01 5.3142251e-01 4.5362720e-01 3.9506715e-01 5.7453604e-01 3.9053301e-01 3.1698474e-01 2.6160576e-01 5.3142251e-01 4.6285863e-01 3.9041997e-01 3.3208048e-01 5.4732752e-01 4.8855253e-01 3.8996261e-01 3.1263428e-01 2.2774343e-01 1.4772838e-01 7.5536205e-02 5.9922820e-01 5.1490639e-01 3.9953030e-01 3.0135425e-01 2.2599662e-01 1.5766893e-01 6.3413851e-01 5.3861906e-01 4.1015635e-01 3.1391888e-01 2.6014064e-01 7.0597474e-01 6.5034519e-01 5.2650286e-01 4.0397092e-01 3.3601109e-01 7.8543916e-01 7.4376018e-01 5.0936931e-01 3.9520726e-01 3.1143044e-01 2.2119107e-01 1.4754097e-01 7.5944155e-02 7.2391529e-01 6.1979607e-01 4.9802123e-01 3.8986307e-01 2.9880775e-01 2.2326320e-01 2.5512195e-01 7.1847315e-01 6.1067114e-01 4.9520376e-01 3.8735638e-01 3.0796634e-01 6.9596342e-01 6.0323681e-01 4.9156715e-01 3.8353311e-01 3.2828767e-01 6.8647567e-01 5.9529709e-01 4.8275277e-01 3.8353311e-01 3.0796634e-01 2.2326320e-01 1.4754097e-01 7.5536205e-02 6.7878336e-01 5.9529709e-01 4.9156715e-01 3.8735638e-01 2.9880775e-01 2.2119107e-01 1.5766893e-01 6.8647567e-01 6.0323681e-01 4.9520376e-01 3.8986307e-01 3.1143044e-01 2.6014064e-01 6.9596342e-01 6.1067114e-01 4.9802123e-01 3.9520726e-01 3.3601109e-01 7.1847315e-01 6.1979607e-01 5.0936931e-01 4.0397092e-01 3.1391888e-01 2.2599662e-01 1.4772838e-01 7.3410787e-02 7.2391529e-01 5.2650286e-01 4.1015635e-01 3.0135425e-01 2.2774343e-01 1.5618491e-01 7.4376018e-01 6.5034519e-01 5.3861906e-01 3.9953030e-01 3.1263428e-01 2.6160576e-01 7.8543916e-01 7.0597474e-01 6.3413851e-01 5.1490639e-01 3.8996261e-01 3.3208048e-01 6.6716702e-01 7.2531599e-01 7.2531599e-01 6.6716702e-01
132 changes: 132 additions & 0 deletions ptsa_plot/ptsa_plot/electrode_layouts/HCGSN128.sfp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
FidNz 0 9.071585155 -2.359754454
FidT9 -6.711765 0.040402876 -3.251600355
FidT10 6.711765 0.040402876 -3.251600355
E1 5.787677636 5.520863216 -2.577468644
E2 5.291804727 6.709097557 0.307434896
E3 3.864122447 7.63424051 3.067770143
E4 2.868837559 7.145708546 4.989564557
E5 1.479340453 5.68662139 6.812878187
E6 0 3.806770224 7.891304964
E7 -1.223800252 1.558864431 8.44043914
E8 4.221901505 7.998817387 -1.354789681
E9 2.695405558 8.884820317 1.088308144
E10 1.830882336 8.708839134 3.18709115
E11 0 7.96264703 5.044718001
E12 -1.479340453 5.68662139 6.812878187
E13 -2.435870762 3.254307219 7.608766206
E14 1.270447661 9.479016328 -0.947183306
E15 0 9.087440894 1.333345013
E16 0 9.076490798 3.105438474
E17 0 9.271139705 -2.211516434
E18 -1.830882336 8.708839134 3.18709115
E19 -2.868837559 7.145708546 4.989564557
E20 -3.825797111 5.121648995 5.942844877
E21 -1.270447661 9.479016328 -0.947183306
E22 -2.695405558 8.884820317 1.088308144
E23 -3.864122447 7.63424051 3.067770143
E24 -4.459387187 6.021159964 4.365321482
E25 -4.221901505 7.998817387 -1.354789681
E26 -5.291804727 6.709097557 0.307434896
E27 -5.682547954 5.453384344 2.836565436
E28 -5.546670402 4.157847823 4.627615703
E29 -4.762196763 2.697832099 6.297663028
E30 -3.695490968 0.960411022 7.627828134
E31 -1.955187826 -0.684381878 8.564858511
E32 -5.787677636 5.520863216 -2.577468644
E33 -6.399087198 4.127248875 -0.356852241
E34 -6.823959684 2.968422112 2.430080351
E35 -6.414469893 1.490027747 4.741794544
E36 -5.47913021 0.284948655 6.38332782
E37 -3.909902609 -1.519049882 7.764134929
E38 -6.550732888 3.611543152 -3.353155926
E39 -7.191620108 0.850096251 -0.882936903
E40 -7.391919265 0.032151584 2.143634599
E41 -6.905051715 -0.800953972 4.600056501
E42 -5.956055073 -2.338984312 6.00361353
E43 -6.518995129 2.417299399 -5.253637073
E44 -6.840717711 1.278489412 -3.5553823
E45 -7.304625099 -1.866238006 -0.629182006
E46 -7.312517928 -2.298574078 2.385298838
E47 -6.737313764 -3.011819533 4.178390203
E48 -5.934584124 2.22697797 -7.934360742
E49 -6.298127313 0.41663451 -6.069156425
E50 -6.78248072 -4.023512045 -0.232191092
E51 -6.558030032 -4.667036048 2.749989597
E52 -5.831241498 -4.494821698 4.955347697
E53 -4.193518856 -4.037020083 6.982920038
E54 -2.270752074 -3.414835627 8.204556551
E55 0 -2.138343513 8.791875902
E56 -6.174969392 -2.458138877 -5.637380998
E57 -6.580438308 -3.739554155 -2.991084431
E58 -6.034746843 -5.755782196 0.051843011
E59 -5.204501802 -6.437833018 2.984444293
E60 -4.116929504 -6.061561438 5.365757296
E61 -2.344914884 -5.481057427 7.057748614
E62 0 -6.676694032 6.465208258
E63 -5.333266171 -4.302240169 -5.613509789
E64 -5.404091392 -5.870302681 -2.891640039
E65 -4.645302298 -7.280552408 0.130139701
E66 -3.608293164 -7.665487704 3.129931648
E67 -1.844644417 -7.354417376 5.224001733
E68 -3.784983913 -6.401014415 -5.260040689
E69 -3.528848027 -7.603010836 -2.818037873
E70 -2.738838019 -8.607966849 0.239368223
E71 -1.404967401 -8.437486994 3.277284901
E72 0 -7.829896826 4.687622229
E73 -1.929652202 -7.497197868 -5.136777648
E74 -1.125731192 -8.455208629 -2.632832329
E75 0 -8.996686498 0.487952047
E76 1.404967401 -8.437486994 3.277284901
E77 1.844644417 -7.354417376 5.224001733
E78 2.344914884 -5.481057427 7.057748614
E79 2.270752074 -3.414835627 8.204556551
E80 1.955187826 -0.684381878 8.564858511
E81 0 -7.85891896 -4.945387489
E82 1.125731192 -8.455208629 -2.632832329
E83 2.738838019 -8.607966849 0.239368223
E84 3.608293164 -7.665487704 3.129931648
E85 4.116929504 -6.061561438 5.365757296
E86 4.193518856 -4.037020083 6.982920038
E87 3.909902609 -1.519049882 7.764134929
E88 1.929652202 -7.497197868 -5.136777648
E89 3.528848027 -7.603010836 -2.818037873
E90 4.645302298 -7.280552408 0.130139701
E91 5.204501802 -6.437833018 2.984444293
E92 5.831241498 -4.494821698 4.955347697
E93 5.956055073 -2.338984312 6.00361353
E94 3.784983913 -6.401014415 -5.260040689
E95 5.404091392 -5.870302681 -2.891640039
E96 6.034746843 -5.755782196 0.051843011
E97 6.558030032 -4.667036048 2.749989597
E98 6.737313764 -3.011819533 4.178390203
E99 5.333266171 -4.302240169 -5.613509789
E100 6.580438308 -3.739554155 -2.991084431
E101 6.78248072 -4.023512045 -0.232191092
E102 7.312517928 -2.298574078 2.385298838
E103 6.905051715 -0.800953972 4.600056501
E104 5.47913021 0.284948655 6.38332782
E105 3.695490968 0.960411022 7.627828134
E106 1.223800252 1.558864431 8.44043914
E107 6.174969392 -2.458138877 -5.637380998
E108 7.304625099 -1.866238006 -0.629182006
E109 7.391919265 0.032151584 2.143634599
E110 6.414469893 1.490027747 4.741794544
E111 4.762196763 2.697832099 6.297663028
E112 2.435870762 3.254307219 7.608766206
E113 6.298127313 0.41663451 -6.069156425
E114 6.840717711 1.278489412 -3.5553823
E115 7.191620108 0.850096251 -0.882936903
E116 6.823959684 2.968422112 2.430080351
E117 5.546670402 4.157847823 4.627615703
E118 3.825797111 5.121648995 5.942844877
E119 5.934584124 2.22697797 -7.934360742
E120 6.518995129 2.417299399 -5.253637073
E121 6.550732888 3.611543152 -3.353155926
E122 6.399087198 4.127248875 -0.356852241
E123 5.682547954 5.453384344 2.836565436
E124 4.459387187 6.021159964 4.365321482
E125 6.118458137 4.523870113 -4.409174427
E126 3.743504949 6.649204911 -6.530243068
E127 -3.743504949 6.649204911 -6.530243068
E128 -6.118458137 4.523870113 -4.409174427


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