Focus of this library is to make it easier to manage elastic indices (wit mappings / settings), create reusable query building (manual or from request).
- Adds ability to manage elasticsearch indices with wrapper class which will help to you create/update index write documents (with bulk mode) etc.
- Adds ability to create a query builder with query filters for each index.
- Adds ability to build a query builder from request data (reusable component).
- Composer
- PHP 7.4+
1. Add custom repository to composer.json
"repositories": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
2. Install via composer
composer require pion/laravel-lelastico
3. Add the service provider (Laravel 5.4 and below - supports Auto discovery)
- erichard/elasticsearch-query-builder - at this moment forked version with additional functions.
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch, version 7 and above (tested with 7.5).
Set elastic hosts
For development, you can use default value in the config without password: localhost:9200
environment for setting elastic search hosts. Format.
Resolve elastic search client
$client = resolve(\Elasticsearch\Client::class);
$client = $container->make(\Elasticsearch\Client::class);
Mapping types constants
Property mappings types using constants like:
- MappingTypes::KEYWORD
- MappingTypes::TEXT
- MappingTypes::SHORT
- MappingTypes::LONG
- MappingTypes::INTEGER
- MappingTypes::DATE
- MappingTypes::BOOLEAN
- MappingTypes::FLOAT
- MappingTypes::textWithAnalyzer(string $analyzer, string $searchAnalyzer), builds
Adding indices
Create your indices by extending
and implementingcreateIndexName
for elastic index- Implement
for custom mappings.
protected function propertyMappings(): array { return [ 'id' => MappingTypes::KEYWORD, 'name' => MappingTypes::TEXT_WITH_KEYWORD, 'is_verified' => MappingTypes::BOOLEAN, 'email' => MappingTypes::textWithAnalyzer('fulltext'), 'created_at' => MappingTypes::DATE, 'updated_at' => MappingTypes::DATE, 'deleted_at' => MappingTypes::DATE, ]; }
- Implement
for custom index settings
protected function settings(): array { // Add support for partial text search return [ 'index' => [ 'analysis' => [ 'filter' => [ 'fulltext_filter' => [ // Always from start of beginning of each token 'type' => 'edge_ngram', 'min_gram' => 3, 'max_gram' => 20, ], ], 'analyzer' => [ 'fulltext' => [ 'type' => 'custom', 'tokenizer' => 'standard', 'filter' => ['lowercase', 'fulltext_filter'], ], ], ], ], ]; }
- Implement
Create or update
config with indices classes.return [ 'indices' => [ \App\ElasticSearch\Indices\UsersIndex::class, ], ];
Update or create indices in elastic (stores settings / mapping) using
php artisan elastic:indices
Updates the elastic indices --only="only", handle only given index --f, will delete the index and data. Will new index with mappings --d, will delete the index and data --skip-settings-update, when upadting, the index is closed / opened due the settings update. You can skip it by provided this option.
By default we are sorting by _id
after any HasSorting logic to ensure that pagination is correct.
You can turn this feature by using $builder->setSortById(false);
To enable sortable behavior add HasSorting
trait to your instance of AbstractBuilder
and implement method allowedSortFields
* Allowed fields for sorting.
* Key is the name of the field in the query.
* Value is the name of the field in the index.
* @return array
public function allowedSortFields(): array
return [
'goals' => 'goals_count',
'minutes' => 'played_minutes',
With sorting enabled you can sort the results using sort
request query parameter. This parameter accepts list of fields for sorting in format {field_name}:{sort_direction}
Available directions for sorting are asc
and desc
and if not specified the default sort direction is set to asc
Logs every query to log (default false). You can useELASTICSEARCH_LOG_MEASUREMENT
Debug logs every query data to a log (true in local environment). You can useELASTICSEARCH_LOG_DEBUG
Enables to change available indices (implement IndicesServiceContract or extend IndicesService)prefix
Used prefix for index names - uses APP_NAME and replace '-' to '_', converts name to slug variant.hosts
A list of IPS for your elastic search - Use;
separator. Default localhost:9200.
- improve documentation
- add
Can be found in releases.
See for how to contribute changes. All contributions are welcome.
This library was created and improved thanks to clients projects.
laravel-elastico was written by Martin Kluska and is released under the MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2020 Martin Kluska