This Simple Java PreProcessor provides some basic directives used to generate a new tree structure of Java sources from some existing Java sources.
All directives are embedded in Java comments which means that the original unprocessed sources can be compiled by any regular Java compiler.
When running the precessor, some flags may be define. Directives check wether a flag is defined or not. If the flag expected by the directive is define, the directive is executed. Otherwise, the directive is simply ignored.
You can create a task sjpp
You need to give the input tree structure (src
) , the destination tree structure (dest
) and the flag to be defined (define
<taskdef name="sjpp" classname="sjpp.SjppAntTask" />
<target name="dist">
<sjpp src="src-folder" dest="src-generated" define="__MIT__" />
If you launch the preprocessor without any arguments, you'll get some help:
Usage: java -jar sjpp.jar <source_tree> <destination_tree> <flag define>
Usage: java -jar sjpp.jar src src-core __CORE__
In this example, the flag __CORE__ is defined.
Then all Java files in 'src' folder (and subfolders) will be pre-processed and the result is saved in 'src-core' folder.
More info at
This directive could be put anywhere in any .java
file. The syntax is //::remove file when
followed by the condition (that is, the flag name)
If the corresponding flag has been defined, the file containing this line will be deleted from the target tree structure.
In addition, every import
of this file will also be removed from any file of the target tree structure.
This directive could be put anywhere in any .java
file. The syntax is //::remove current folder when
followed by the condition (that is, the flag name)
If the corresponding flag has been defined, all files from the folder containing this file will be deleted from the target tree structure.
In addition, every import
of any removed file will also be removed from any file of the target tree structure.
This directive could be put anywhere in any .java
file. The syntax is //::remove folder when
followed by the condition (that is, the flag name)
If the corresponding flag has been defined, all files from the folder (or its subfolders) containing this file will be deleted from the target tree structure.
In addition, every import
of any removed file will also be removed from any file of the target tree structure.
This directive is used to remove a part of a .java
//::comment when
followed by the condition (that is, the flag name) marks the beginning of the part to be removed.
marks the end of the part to be removed.
All lines between those two lines will simply be removed in the result file.
This directive is used to uncomment a part of a .java
//::uncomment when
followed by the condition (that is, the flag name) marks the beginning of the part to be uncommented.
marks the end of the part to be removed.
All lines between those two lines will be uncommented in the result file.
This directive is used to both comment or uncomment a part of a .java
//::revert when
followed by the condition (that is, the flag name) marks the beginning of the part to be switched.
marks the end of the part to be switched.
If the directive is activated, all commented lines in the part will be uncommented and all uncommented lines will be commented.
This is an handy alternative of using two consecutive comment and uncomment directives with the same flag.