Important notes
Change of groupId
You need to change com.typesafe.sbt
to com.typesafe.play
in your project/plugins.sbt
// in project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.play" % "sbt-play-ebean" % "6.2.0-RC4")
(No need to add any resolvers, because the release was published to Maven Central 😉)
Minimal sbt version
play-ebean 6.2.0-RC4
requires sbt 1.4 or newer (We highly recommend to use latest sbt 1.6.1!)
Play enhancer got removed
That means getters and setter are not generated automatically anymore. That can break Play's form binding as well as Ebean's lazy loading feature. You need to add getters and setter yourself now.
Also see this discussion and #228.
Ebean version
The Ebean version was upgraded to 12.8.1
- Publish to maven central
- com.typesafe.sbt -> com.typesafe.play #227 by @mkurz
- Upgrade versions #226 by @mkurz
- Fixes #208 - Support sbt 1.4.x+ #219 by @jmswenski
- Remove secrets (provided via Travis UI now) #204 by @ennru
- Setting up Travis CI Deployment #203 by @jmswenski
- Changed preferred name DB and Database instead of Ebean and EbeanServer with ebean v12.1.13. #200 by @kundan59
- Adding MiMa plugin for travis build #202 by @jmswenski
- Travis: use build stages and matrix #197 by @ennru
- feat: upgrade to play 2.8.2 & ebean 12.1.13 (#194) #198 by @jmswenski