Play Slick 5.2.0-RC1
126 commits
to main
since this release
- #782 h2 2.2.224 (was 2.2.222) by @mkurz
- #781 sbt 1.9.6 by @mkurz
- #780 Group Scala Steward patch updates into single PR by @mkurz
- #778 sbt 1.9.5 by @mkurz
- #777 sbt 1.9.5 by @mkurz
- #772 Upgrade interplay by @mkurz
- #771 Scala 3.3.1 / 2.13.12 by @mkurz
- #764 Play 2.9.0 M7 by @mkurz
- #763 Scala 3.3.1-RC5 by @mkurz
- #756 Try Scala 3.3.1-RC4 by @mkurz
- #757 Make dbConfig lazy to fix Scala 3 error by @mkurz
- #745 Latest Play by @mkurz
- #744 Scala 2.13.11 by @mkurz
- #737 Update copyright by @mkurz
- #734 Scala 3.3.0-RC5 by @mkurz
- #732 Play 2.9.0-M3 / Fix dependency tree by @mkurz
- #726 Update data for pom.xml by @mkurz
- #725 Remove old copyright by @mkurz
- #724 Update links by @mkurz
- #723 Set up sbt dependency submission by @mkurz
- #719 Upgrade logback conf to new canonical format by @mkurz
- #717 Switch from coloredLevel to %highlight(%-5level) by @mkurz
- #710 interplay 3.1.0-RC6 by @mkurz
- #697 Revert "Workaround scala-xml conflicts" by @mkurz
- #706 Link to .github/ by @mkurz
- #705 Use contributor guidelines from .github repo by @mkurz
- #703 Use the mergify config from the .github repo by @mkurz
- #702 Latest scala sbt versions by @mkurz
- #699 Semantic Scala version selector expression in workflows by @mkurz
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🙇 Thanks to our contributors
Finally, thanks to the community for their help with detailed bug reports, discussions about new features and pull request reviews. This project is only possible due to the help we had from amazing contributors.
Special thanks to all code contributors who helped with this particular release (they are listed below)!