This project provides a type safe payload verification, validation, parsing and handling for Meta's Webhooks Objects, Fields, and Values event notifications with the following features:
- Subscription verification requests
- Event SHA256 signature validation
- JSON Schema payload validation
- JSON payload struct unmarshalling
- Standard HTTP request support and libraries
- Concurrent batch processing
- Composable handler interfaces
- Option configurations
go get
import gometawebhooks ""
Wire-in this package with any HTTP server package, an example using Echo is provided in the samples directory submodule of this repository.
The example is an implementation of the InstagramHandler which covers supported Instagram field changes and messaging.
You can granually implement each handler for scoped support instead. For example, to only handle InstagramMessageHandler event only instead:
package main
import gometawebhooks ""
var _ gometawebhooks.InstagramMessageHandler = (*handler)(nil)
type handler struct{}
func (h handler) InstagramMessage(ctx context.Context, sender, recipient string, sent time.Time, message Message){
// TODO: implement message handling
func main(){
handler := handler{}
hooks, err := gometawebhooks.New(
// TODO: implement HTTP routes see samples directory.
Currently only Instagram Webhook objects and fields are explicitly supported, I plan on growing the package over time, however you can implement EntryHandler, ChangesHandler or MessagingHandler to handle events for unsupported objects.