- Models fluctuations in temperature and supersaturation due to turbulent flow within clouds.
- Calculates droplet growth and cloud droplet activation of aerosol particles exposed to turbulent flow.
current version: 1.0.0
Anderson, J.C., Beeler, P., Ovchinnikov, M., Cantrell, W., Krueger, S., Shaw, R.A., Yang, F. and Fierce, L., 2022. Enhancements in cloud condensation nuclei concentrations from turbulent fluctuations in supersaturation. arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.15766.
- numpy
- scipy
- netCDF4
- Download large eddy simulation output, which is provided here.
- Clone repository
- Open main.py
- Ensure that the working directory contains main.py, microphysics.py, parcels.py, process.py, and run.py
- Move "OUT_3D" folder to the working directory
- Enter desired input parameters (lines 13-20)
- Run
- run.make_directories
- Creates folders called "parcel_traces", "particle_traces", and figures in current working directory.
- Creates folders for each average supersaturation within "particle_traces".
- example: Particle traces run with 3% average supersaturation will be saved in "/particle_traces/avgSS_000030".
- parcels.trajectories
- Reads output from large eddy simulation and calculates particle trajectories.
- Parcel x, y, z positions, as well as temperature and supersaturation are saved in "/parcel_traces".
- example: Data for first parcel is saved in "parcel_traces/parcel_traces_dynamic000000.pkl".
- run.main
- Calculates particle/droplet properties based on parcel trajectories.
- Returns a dict with size = (average supersaturations, parcels). Contains the following data and units:
- traces
- t - time, seconds
- Dp - particle diameter, meters
- Tp - particle temperature, Kelvin
- mixing_ratio - water vapor mixing ratio, kg water per kg air
- T - air temperature, Kelvin
- SS - supersaturation, unitless
- props
- Ddry - dry diameter of particles, meters
- kappa - hygroscopiscity of particles, unitless
- density - particle density, kg per cubic meter
- N - total number concentration, number per cubic meter
- Dp_crit - critical diameter for droplet activation, meters
- SS_crit - critical supersaturation for droplet activation, unitless
- traces
- process.plot_Nccn_timeseries
- Plots fraction of activated particles as a function of time for each average supersaturation.
- Plot is saved in "/figures"
- process.plot_S_Dp_timeseries
- Plots timeseries of supersaturation, droplet diameter, and droplet diameter/critical diameter of one parcel and one average supersaturation.
- By default the first parcel and the first average supersaturation are plotted.
- Plot is saved in "/figures"
- process.plot_distribution_SS_Dp
- Plots histogram of supersaturation and droplet diameter for each average supersaturation.
- Plot is saved in "/figures"
- process.plot_spatial_trajectory
- Plots trajectory of one parcel
- By default the first air parcel is plotted.
- Plot is saved in "/figures"
- process.plot_activated_fraction_mean_SS
- Plots activated fraction as a function of average supersaturation.
- Plot is saved in "/figures"
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