Releases: pods-framework/pods
Releases · pods-framework/pods - May 8th, 2024
Security Release
- Security hardening: Enforce safe URLs for Pods form submission confirmation page URLs. Props to the wesley (wcraft) / Wordfence for responsibly reporting this. (@sc0ttkclark) - May 8th, 2024
Security Release
- Security hardening: Enforce safe URLs for Pods form submission confirmation page URLs. Props to the wesley (wcraft) / Wordfence for responsibly reporting this. (@sc0ttkclark) - May 8th, 2024
Security Release
- Security hardening: Enforce safe URLs for Pods form submission confirmation page URLs. Props to the wesley (wcraft) / Wordfence for responsibly reporting this. (@sc0ttkclark) - May 8th, 2024
Security Release
- Security hardening: Enforce safe URLs for Pods form submission confirmation page URLs. Props to the wesley (wcraft) / Wordfence for responsibly reporting this. (@sc0ttkclark) - May 8th, 2024
Security Release
- Security hardening: Enforce safe URLs for Pods form submission confirmation page URLs. Props to the wesley (wcraft) / Wordfence for responsibly reporting this. (@sc0ttkclark)
3.2.1 - March 29th, 2024
- Performance: The Advanced Filters popup now uses Autocomplete for relationship fields to improve performance for large itemsets. FYI filters are a feature in the Manage Content UI for Advanced Content Types only. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Conditional logic for display callbacks 'allowed' field now showing when choosing the Customized option. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: PHP 8.1 compatibility fix for null values passed to esc_* functions in WP. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: PHP 8.1 compatibility fix for html_entity_decode. (@sc0ttkclark)
3.2.0 - March 25th, 2024
- Feature: New support for Custom Field revisions in Pods that are Post Types that use Meta storage. You can optionally enable the feature per-pod or per-field. #7265 (@sc0ttkclark)
- Feature: New support for WordPress
for all Pods fields on meta-based Pods. You can enable this feature in Pods Admin > Settings > "Register meta fields". (@sc0ttkclark) - Feature: New support for specifying where your Custom Fields show in REST API responses for Pods that support that. You can choose from Object (response.field_name) or Meta (response.meta.field_name). (@sc0ttkclark)
- Feature: New support for Custom Fields in the new WordPress 6.5 Block Bindings API for the
source. To use your custom fields there, you will need to enable "Register meta fields" in your Pods Admin > Settings and set your Pod to show it's REST API fields in the "Meta" location instead of Object. (@sc0ttkclark) - Feature: New custom binding source support for the WordPress 6.5 Block Bindings API. Specify your source as
and then just pass the same arguments you would pass for a normal[pods]
shortcode or block. This will bind that dynamic output to the block you are working with. (@sc0ttkclark) - Feature: Now you can specify whether to default values for a Pods field when the field is empty. This works great for when you add a new field to a Pod and you want to edit an existing item that did not have a field value set. The default value will be used in that circumstance. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Feature: Support for multiple default values when working with a multi-select field. Now you can just separate your values with a comma and they will be set as the default values. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Feature: Now you can specify whether to evaluate magic tags for default values like
. (@sc0ttkclark) - Tweak: New option for Pods shortcodes when used in plugins like Elementor to bypass detecting the loop and to just use whatever ID/post type is available. Use the
attribute. #7269 (@sc0ttkclark) - Tweak: Added first used and last installed Pods versions to the Site Health information to be more helpful with debugging. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Tweak: Improved the field label/description for Additional User Capabilities field in the CPT settings. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Resolved an annoying issue when adding a new group or field where it would reset the Pod label to the name (slug) of the pod. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Updated logic for default value handling when using magic tags for internal field configs to ensure the magic tags get evaluated. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Resolve issue with
not clearing the known blocks cache when registering them. #7167 (@sc0ttkclark) - Fixed: PHP fatal errors resolved with
usage from changes in WP 6.5. #7266 (@sc0ttkclark) - Fixed: Custom capability fallbacks when the option is empty now properly fallback to the default capability using that post type name. #7250 (@JoryHogeveen)
- Fixed: PHP deprecated notice with
. (@sc0ttkclark) - Fixed: Resolved plupload browse button references to prevent JS console errors. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Resolved issue with
calls to more safely check for it to prevent JS console errors. (@sc0ttkclark) - Fixed: Updated the implementation of the compatibility hooks for
hooks have the proper args expected sent. (@sc0ttkclark) - Fixed: Empty REST API fields no longer show when the pod doesn't support REST API. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Restrict/unrestrict dynamic features logic now properly updates all of the associated Pod settings it needs to in the Access Rights Review screen. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Empty arrays now return correctly in Pod / Group / Field settings instead of using their defaults when empty. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Resolve potential issues with REST API in certain circumstances which would throw exceptions with the Pods REST API Messages object. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Resolve issues when duplicating pods where the new pod name is over the limit and prevents creating the new pod correctly. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Access Rights Review notice now only shows on existing installs updating from pre-3.1 instead of showing on new 3.1+ installs too. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Accessibility issues with tabbing resolved for Pods Admin > Edit Pods table and Pods Admin > Edit Pod fields list table when working with row actions. #7196 #7198 (@heybran, @sc0ttkclark)
3.1.4 - February 28th, 2024
- Fixed: Defaults now show correctly for checkbox groups in the Edit Field modals. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Resolve potential PHP errors with cached configs in Collections classes that has been there since Pods 2.x. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Revisited due to our automated NPM build issue - Resolved an issue with CodeMirror 6.x fields in forms (this is separate from the version 5.x that the Pods Template editor uses). (@sc0ttkclark)
3.1.3 - February 27th, 2024
- Fixed: Resolved an issue with CodeMirror 6.x fields in forms (this is separate from the version 5.x that the Pods Template editor uses). (@sc0ttkclark)
3.1.2 - February 27th, 2024
- Added: Now you can set Content Visibility when creating a new pod. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Added: More help text to better explain things on the Access Rights Review screen for extended content types. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Added: New option to specify whether to Sanitize Output for a field in the Additional Field Options of Heading, Paragraph, WYSIWYG, Code, and Text fields. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Added: Pod Reference metabox on the Pods Templates editor screen now has more help text and will now allow clicking to copy any magic tag to clipboard. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Added: Better explain Public vs Publicly Queryable for Post Types and Taxonomies along with showing the current Content Visibility below. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Changed: Updated CodeMirror to 5.65.16 so we can start moving towards CodeMirror 6 for the Pods Template editor. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Resolved issues with Access Rights Review screen when making content type public or private causing it not to be fully set (only public was set on, it left out publicly_queryable). (@sc0ttkclark)