Releases: pods-framework/pods
Releases · pods-framework/pods
3.0.6 - October 2nd, 2023
- Fixed: Resolved a plugin conflict with The Events Calendar / Event Tickets plugins that was introduced in 3.0.5. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: PHP deprecated notices resolved for return types in PHP 8+ (@sc0ttkclark)
3.0.5 - October 2nd, 2023
- Tweak: Added the "full" image size to the reference list in the Pods Template editor. #7183 #7184 (@JoryHogeveen)
- Fixed: PHP deprecated notices resolved for WYSIWYG field. #7182 (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Relationships with user capabilities filtered will now work as expected in more cases when using WP multisite. #7181 #7185 (@JoryHogeveen)
- Fixed: Enforce single value for inputs instead of arrays of values in single format for file/relationship field. This resolves issues with Conditional Logic not seeing the initial value on reload. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Normalize numbers when doing conditional logic comparisons. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Add new options to trim content of fields by removing empty p tags, trimming whitespace at the end of lines, and removing extra lines. Default those to off (previously they were just always on). (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Add
backward compatibilty function for Pods add-ons that still call that function. This only gets included by Pods when Tribe Common is not detected on the site. (@sc0ttkclark) - Fixed: Resolve file/relationship lookups for settings pages that are DB vs file-based configs. (@sc0ttkclark)
3.0.4 - September 25th, 2023
- Fixed: Resolve bidirectional removal issue from Pods 2.x where bidirectional relationships would not have the current item removed when you removed that related item. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Added repair tool to address the potential for invalid conditional logic saved to the DB in early Pods 3.0 releases or future cases, this is when conditional logic stores a rule that ends up being a long serialized PHP string that contains a serialized PHP array. (@sc0ttkclark)
3.0.3 - September 22nd, 2023
- Fixed: Settings pods handling for relationships for Pods that are registered by DB / Code / File now normalize as necessary for relationships stored in the
index table for which item ID is used to relate from. (@sc0ttkclark)
3.0.2 - September 21st, 2023
- Feature: You can now disable the Add New forms for a Post Type pod under the Advanced tab. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Bi-directional field saving has been restored after breaking in Pods 2.9.x. #7172 (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: More PHP notices/warnings/errors with PHP 8+ addressed. #7170 #7171 (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Settings saving for simple relationships fixed when using a setting pod registered by code/file. #7169 (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Settings forms would sometimes say the save failed when it was successful. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Fix relationship rendering in tables for Advanced Content Types. #7173 (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Potential SQL errors when a Pod does not exist but it's still set a relationship object for a field. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Pod config data is now correctly passed in all instances of
filter so it's uniform in usage. (@sc0ttkclark) - Fixed: Bypass "@" prefixed items from being processed in file-based configs. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Removed extra line in array for post type definition where
was set two times. (@sc0ttkclark) - Fixed: Resolved some cases where boolean return types were treated as filters in `Store::find()`` calls. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: The
method resolves PHP issue with current screen reference. (@sc0ttkclark) - Fixed: Ensure code/file based configs do not overwrite DB configs to avoid potential issues where duplicate configs get pulled up in lookups. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Some relationship field options were not showing their available options to select from when editing a field on the Edit Pod screen. #7176 (@sc0ttkclark)
3.0.1 - September 13th, 2023
- Fixed: Custom Settings Pages no longer have the error when saving that was introduced by changes made in Pods 3.0. (@sc0ttkclark)
3.0 - September 13th, 2023
Compatibility warning
New minimum required versions have been updated as follows which includes notices to let you know if you need to update something:
- New minimum WP version required: WordPress 6.0+ (previously: WP 5.7+)
- New minimum PHP version required: PHP 7.2+ (previously: PHP 5.6+) — Hey! You should take the time to update to PHP 8.1+ because that is currently the lowest version actively supported by The PHP Group.
- Feature: Conditional Logic for Fields - You can now choose to show or hide a Pods field based on the value of another Pods field. More will be expanded into this functionality in the future. #609 (@zrothauser, @sc0ttkclark, @Shelob9)
- Feature: Support for the new Command Palettes feature added in WordPress 6.3. This will allow you to contextually go to the Edit Pod screen for the matching Pod configuration of that post type directly from the Edit Post screen. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Added: Set up backward compatible updates to our prior
and related logic for internal conditional logic prior to Pods 3.0 so they now properly translate over to the new format required. (@sc0ttkclark) - Added: When importing and exporting Pods packages, they now include the list of active components. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Media saving issue has been resolved when the Media Modal fields are disabled, it now saves fields as expected. #7158 (@sc0ttkclark, @pd-cm)
- Fixed: Improved compatibility with Polylang. #7139 #7140 (@JoryHogeveen)
- Fixed: Redirects after deleting a Pod now send to the current site dashboard instead of hardcoded
link. #7137 #7162 (@JoryHogeveen) - Fixed: When extending a post type or taxonomy it will now use the associated post type or taxonomy label when setting up the pod so it matches. #6350 (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Resolved problems with saving the featured image from frontend forms when a post type supports featured images. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Don't show SQL errors when getting relationship data for forms if the debug display is disabled in WP. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Improved tooltip appearances with better color contrast. #7119 #7118 (@heybran)
- Removed: The Tribe Common library has been removed from Pods and it will alleviate conflicts from plugins like The Events Calendar and Event Tickets going forward. (@sc0ttkclark)
2.9.19 - June 28th, 2023
- Fixed: Ensure that cache modes are validated correctly to prevent transients / static cache / etc from being forced into persistent cache which could fill caches up. (@sc0ttkclark, props to Björn Hasselberg for helping debug and find this)
2.9.18 - June 23rd, 2023
- Tweak: Abstract all container calls for Tribe Common library to Pods specific functions. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Prevent fatal errors with our service provider classes that was caused by a new version of The Events Calendar / Event Tickets plugin from a change to the Tribe Common library that they made. #7105 #7106 (@JoryHogeveen, @sc0ttkclark)
2.9.17 - June 22nd, 2023
- Performance: Allow disabling showing fields in the Media Library modals for sites that experience heavy performance issues from large media grids in the admin area. This new option is available in Pods Admin > Settings > Performance. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Tweak: Optimize single item lookups in the PodsAPI for post type configurations. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Normalize the calls to the list of pod types that were coming from multiple places so they come from
. (@sc0ttkclark) - Fixed: Resolve issues where pod may not specifically be saved as extended but should be treated as extended for custom pod type objects. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Don't save the newer options for
as actual pod config options. (@sc0ttkclark) - Fixed: Ignore more internal post types / taxonomies from plugins like Elementor and WooCommerce to prevent conflicts. (@sc0ttkclark)
- Fixed: Resolve potential PHP errors when Wisdom options aren't an array as expected. (@sc0ttkclark)