Game of Life is a cellular automaton invented by British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. It consists of a 2-dimensional grid of cells, each having an alive or dead (or on or off) state. An initial state of the grid can be selected by assigning a state to each cell. New generations of cells can then be created based on the state of the current cells and their neighbouring cells with some dead simple rules. It is a zero-player game, which means that its evolution is determined by just its initial state, requiring no further input.
This project is an interactive implementation of the Game of Life, that allows you to play with it and explore what makes it so special.
Check out the live demo and detailed explanation of how it works here -
- ⚛ React
- 🏗 NextJS
- 🏷 TypeScript
- 💄 Tailwind CSS
- 📦 Immer