install the following package :
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
You will be prompted to choose a root password
Install the CoreCA database (empty) :
sh scripts/setup_mysql.sh <DB Root Password>
Ensure pip and python3.* are installed.
Install a virtual environment :
sudo apt-get install python3.*-venv
Setup virtual environment :
python3.* -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies :
pip install -r requirements.txt
This is not guaranteed to work on all systems, other python dependencies might need to be installed
Default values for parameters :
- port : 5001
- ip :
- user : root
- host : localhost
- db : coreCA
- pwd : toor
- cap12 : p12/ca.p12
- crl : crl/crl.pem
- empfolder : p12 (must be in directoy ca_core)
- p12pass : default_password
- cert : keys/server_certificate.crt
- sk : keys/server_private_key.key
- newkeys : specify if a new CA signing key pair is needed.
- newcrl : specify if a new CRL must be generated
Parameters in bold characters should not be tweaked. In most cases a new server key (!= CA p12 key) will have to be generated :
cd keys/
When prompted a common name, the ip address of the server must be specified. if the ip is different than, then the ip parameter must be specified when running the server.
A VM is available at : N/A
Everything should be already installed on it hence should follow instructions above to run the server.