The SWRLTab is a SWRLAPI-based environment that provides a set of standalone graphical interfaces for managing SWRL rules and SQWRL queries.
Documentation can be found at the SWRLTab Wiki.
A Protégé Desktop Ontology Editor-based SWRLTab Plugin is also available.
To build and run this project you must have the following items installed:
Get a copy of the latest code:
git clone
Change into the swrltab directory:
cd swrltab
Build it with Maven:
mvn clean install
On build completion, your local Maven repository will contain generated swrltab-${version}.jar and swrltab-${version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar files. The ./target directory will also contain these JARs.
You can then run the standalone SQWRLTab as follows:
mvn exec:java
You can run the standalone SWRLTab as follows:
java -cp ./target/swrltab-${version}-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.swrltab.ui.SWRLTab
The software is licensed under the BSD 2-clause License.
If you have questions about this library, please go to the main Protégé website and subscribe to the Protégé Developer Support mailing list. After subscribing, send messages to protege-dev at