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psathyrella committed Apr 9, 2024
1 parent e510f89 commit 21d949e
Showing 1 changed file with 55 additions and 55 deletions.
110 changes: 55 additions & 55 deletions projects/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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'simu' : '#808080',
pltlabels = {
'hdists' : 'N leaf muts',
'hdists' : 'N muts',
'max-abdn-shm' : 'SHM in most\nabundant seq',
'csizes' : 'N leaves per tree',
'leaf-muts' : 'N muts (leaf nodes)',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,13 +217,49 @@ def plot_abdn_stuff(lhists, plotdir, label, abtype):

lhists[abtype] = {'distr' : mean_hdistr, 'max' : hmax}

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def read_gctree_data_csv(all_seqfos, label):
gc_counts = {tk : set() for tk in ['all', 'skipped']}
timestr = None
if '-' in label:
dstr, timestr = label.split('-')
assert dstr == 'data'
assert timestr in ['d20', 'w10', 'd15']
print(' reading gctree node data from %s' % '%s/nextflow/results/merged-results/gctree-node-data.csv'%args.gcreplay_dir)
with open('%s/nextflow/results/merged-results/gctree-node-data.csv'%args.gcreplay_dir) as cfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(cfile)
for line in reader:
prstr, prsuffix = line['PR'].split('.')
assert prstr[:2] == 'PR'
prn = prstr[2:]
gcid = get_gcid(prn, line['HK_key_mouse'], line['HK_key_gc'])
if timestr is not None and rpmeta[gcid]['time'] != timestr:
if gcid not in all_seqfos:
all_seqfos[gcid] = []
affinity = line['delta_bind'] # _CGG_FVS_additive
hdist = utils.hamming_distance(args.naive_seq, line['IgH_nt_sequence']+line['IgK_nt_sequence']) # this is different to nmuts in the next line, not yet sure why (UPDATE: one is nuc/other is AA, docs/column names maybe will be changed in gcreplay)
# nmuts = int(line['n_mutations_HC']) + int(line['n_mutations_LC'])
# print ' %2d %2d %s' % (hdist, nmuts, utils.color('red', '<--') if hdist!=nmuts else '')
# print ' %s' % utils.color_mutants(NAIVE_SEQUENCE, line['IgH_nt_sequence']+line['IgK_nt_sequence'])
for iseq in range(max(1, int(line['abundance']))): # internal nodes have abundance 0, but want to add them once
all_seqfos[gcid].append({'name' : '%s-%s-%d' % (gcid, line['name'], iseq),
'base-name' : line['name'],
'seq' : line['IgH_nt_sequence']+line['IgK_nt_sequence'],
'n_muts' : hdist,
'affinity' : None if affinity == '' else float(affinity),
print(' kept %d / %d GCs%s (skipped %d)' % (len(all_seqfos), len(gc_counts['all']), '' if timestr is None else ' at time \'%s\''%timestr, len(gc_counts['skipped'])))

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def read_input_files(label):
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def nstr(node):
return 'leaf' if node.is_leaf() else 'internal'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_simu_affy(label, dendro_trees, affy_vals):
def get_simu_affy(plotvals, label, dendro_trees, affy_vals):
n_trees = 0
for itree, dtree in enumerate(dendro_trees):
if args.n_max_simu_trees is not None and itree > args.n_max_simu_trees - 1:
Expand All @@ -236,44 +272,10 @@ def get_simu_affy(label, dendro_trees, affy_vals):
if affy_vals.get(name) is None:
if sum(len(l) for l in n_missing.values()) > 0:
print(' %s missing/none affinity values for: %d / %d leaves, %d / %d internal' % (utils.wrnstr(), len(n_missing['leaf']), len(n_tot['leaf']), len(n_missing['internal']), len(n_tot['internal'])))
return plotvals, n_trees
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def read_data_csv(all_seqfos, label):
gc_counts = {tk : set() for tk in ['all', 'skipped']}
timestr = None
if '-' in label:
dstr, timestr = label.split('-')
assert dstr == 'data'
assert timestr in ['d20', 'w10', 'd15']
print(' reading node data from %s' % '%s/nextflow/results/merged-results/gctree-node-data.csv'%args.gcreplay_dir)
with open('%s/nextflow/results/merged-results/gctree-node-data.csv'%args.gcreplay_dir) as cfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(cfile)
for line in reader:
prstr, prsuffix = line['PR'].split('.')
assert prstr[:2] == 'PR'
prn = prstr[2:]
gcid = get_gcid(prn, line['HK_key_mouse'], line['HK_key_gc'])
if timestr is not None and rpmeta[gcid]['time'] != timestr:
if gcid not in all_seqfos:
all_seqfos[gcid] = []
affinity = line['delta_bind'] # _CGG_FVS_additive
hdist = utils.hamming_distance(args.naive_seq, line['IgH_nt_sequence']+line['IgK_nt_sequence']) # this is different to nmuts in the next line, not yet sure why (UPDATE: one is nuc/other is AA, docs/column names maybe will be changed in gcreplay)
# nmuts = int(line['n_mutations_HC']) + int(line['n_mutations_LC'])
# print ' %2d %2d %s' % (hdist, nmuts, utils.color('red', '<--') if hdist!=nmuts else '')
# print ' %s' % utils.color_mutants(NAIVE_SEQUENCE, line['IgH_nt_sequence']+line['IgK_nt_sequence'])
for iseq in range(max(1, int(line['abundance']))): # internal nodes have abundance 0, but want to add them once
all_seqfos[gcid].append({'name' : '%s-%s-%d' % (gcid, line['name'], iseq),
'seq' : line['IgH_nt_sequence']+line['IgK_nt_sequence'],
'n_muts' : hdist,
'affinity' : None if affinity == '' else float(affinity),
print(' kept %d / %d GCs%s (skipped %d)' % (len(all_seqfos), len(gc_counts['all']), '' if timestr is None else ' at time \'%s\''%timestr, len(gc_counts['skipped'])))
return n_trees
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def read_gcd_meta():
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -307,12 +309,12 @@ def scale_affinities(antn_list, mfos):
mfo['affinity'] = (mfo['affinity'] - naive_affy) / affy_std
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
all_seqfos = collections.OrderedDict()
plotvals = {k : [] for k in ['leaf', 'internal']}
partition, mut_vals = [], {'leaf' : [], 'internal' : []}
plotvals = {t : {k : [] for k in ['leaf', 'internal']} for t in ['affinity', 'n_muts']}
partition = []
n_missing, n_tot = {'internal' : [], 'leaf' : []}, {'internal' : [], 'leaf' : []} # per-seq (not per-gc) counts
if 'data' in label:
print(' reading replay data from %s' % args.gcreplay_dir)
read_data_csv(all_seqfos, label) # read seqs plus affinity and mutation info from csv file (still have to read trees below to get leaf/internal info)
print(' reading gctree data from %s' % args.gcreplay_dir)
read_gctree_data_csv(all_seqfos, label) # read seqs plus affinity and mutation info from csv file (still have to read trees below to get leaf/internal info)
n_too_small = 0
for gcn in all_seqfos:
if args.min_seqs_per_gc is not None and len(all_seqfos[gcn]) < args.min_seqs_per_gc: # NOTE not subsampling with args.max_seqs_per_gc as in write_abdn_csv() (can't be bothered, it seems more important for abundance stuff anyway)
Expand All @@ -322,16 +324,14 @@ def scale_affinities(antn_list, mfos):
dtree = treeutils.get_dendro_tree(treefname='%s/gctree.inference.1.nk'%gctree_dir)
nodefo = {n.taxon.label : n for n in dtree.preorder_node_iter()}
for sfo in all_seqfos[gcn]:
n_gcid_dashes = get_gcid('a', 'b', 'c').count('-')
# gcstr = sfo['name'].split('-')[ : n_gcid_dashes + 1]
nname, iseq = sfo['name'].split('-')[n_gcid_dashes + 1 : ]
snode = nodefo[sfo['base-name']]
if sfo['affinity'] is None:
mut_vals['leaf' if nodefo[nname].is_leaf() else 'internal'].append(sfo['n_muts'])
if nodefo[nname] is dtree.seed_node: # check --naive-seq (should really just not have it as an arg)
for tk in plotvals: # atm, fills affinity and n_muts
if snode is dtree.seed_node: # check --naive-seq (should really just not have it as an arg)
if sfo['seq'] != args.naive_seq:
raise Exception('--naive seq doesn\'t match seq for root node from data tree')
partition.append([l.taxon.label for l in dtree.leaf_node_iter()])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -370,22 +370,22 @@ def scale_affinities(antn_list, mfos):
if gcn not in all_seqfos:
all_seqfos[gcn] = []
plotvals, n_trees = get_simu_affy(label, dendro_trees, {u : float(mfos[u]['affinity']) for u in mfos})
n_trees = get_simu_affy(plotvals, label, dendro_trees, {u : float(mfos[u]['affinity']) for u in mfos})
partition += [[l.taxon.label for l in t.leaf_node_iter()] for t in dendro_trees]
for dtree in dendro_trees:
for tnode in dtree.preorder_node_iter():
if tnode.taxon.label not in mfos:
if not tnode is dtree.seed_node: # we expect to be missing naive, but not any others
print(' missing N muts for node %s'%tnode.taxon.label)
mut_vals['leaf' if tnode.is_leaf() else 'internal'].append(int(mfos[tnode.taxon.label]['n_muts']))
assert False

write_abdn_csv(label, all_seqfos)

hists = {}
for pkey, pvals in plotvals.items():
for pkey, pvals in plotvals['affinity'].items():
htmp = Hist(xmin=-15, xmax=10, n_bins=30, value_list=pvals, title=label, xtitle='%s affinity'%pkey) # NOTE don't try to get clever about xmin/xmax since they need to be the same for all different hists
htmp.title += ' (%d nodes in %d trees)' % (len(pvals), n_trees)
hists['%s-affinity'%pkey] = {'distr' : htmp}
Expand All @@ -398,9 +398,9 @@ def scale_affinities(antn_list, mfos):
hists['csizes']['distr'].title = label

for tstr in ['leaf', 'internal']:
htmp = hutils.make_hist_from_list_of_values(mut_vals[tstr], 'int', '%s-muts'%tstr)
htmp = hutils.make_hist_from_list_of_values(plotvals['n_muts'][tstr], 'int', '%s-muts'%tstr)
htmp.xtitle = pltlabels['%s-muts'%tstr]
htmp.title = '%s (%d nodes in %d trees)' % (label, len(mut_vals[tstr]), n_trees)
htmp.title = '%s (%d nodes in %d trees)' % (label, len(plotvals['n_muts'][tstr]), n_trees)
hists['%s-muts'%tstr] = {'distr' : htmp}
return hists

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