This Java program implements a simple Student Database Management System using a HashMap to store student information. Users can perform various operations such as adding a student, viewing the list of students, searching for a student, calculating the average marks, and exiting the system.
The Student Database Management System allows users to interact with a database of students. Each student has attributes like Name, RollNo, Age, and Marks. The program provides a menu-driven interface to perform operations like adding a student, viewing the list of students, searching for a student by RollNo, calculating the average marks, and exiting the system.
- Add a student to the database with Name, RollNo, Age, and Marks.
- View the list of all students in the database.
- Search for a specific student by RollNo.
- Calculate and display the average marks of all students.
- User-friendly menu-driven interface.
Compile and run the file. Choose from the menu options:
1: Add a new student. 2: View the list of students. 3: Search for a student by RollNo. 4: Calculate the average marks of all students. 5: Exit the program.