CI #597
Triggered via pull request
November 11, 2024 16:03
Startup failure
Total duration
This workflow graph cannot be shown
A graph will be generated the next time this workflow is run.
1 error
ludeeus/action-shellcheck@master is not allowed to be used in rancher/ecm-distro-tools. Actions in this workflow must be: within a repository owned by rancher, created by GitHub, or matching the following: docker://*, aquasecurity/*, aws-actions/*, azure/*, codecov/codecov-action@*, crate-ci/typos@*, docker/*, fossas/fossa-action@*, golang/*, golangci/*, google-github-actions/*, google/*, goreleaser/*, hashicorp/setup-packer@*, hashicorp/setup-terraform@*, hashicorp/vault-action@*, helm/*, kubernetes-sigs/*, kubernetes/*, neuvector/*, openvex/setup-vexctl@*, ossf/scorecard-action@*, rancher-eio/*, rancher-sandbox/azure-janitor@*, rancher/*, rancherlabs/*, renovatebot/*, ruby/*, runs-on/cache@*, sigstore/cosign-installer@*, slackapi/slack-github-action@*, slsa-framework/*, updatecli/*, rancher-sandbox/highlander-reusable-workflows/*.