Janitor #359
10 errors
failed to delete asg eks-auto-ng-wumao-f4ca9105-da9f-c7c9-2355-2f734362f571: ResourceInUse: You cannot delete an AutoScalingGroup while there are instances or pending Spot instance request(s) still in the group.
failed to delete asg eks-ng-54ca90fd-1200-fcb6-0ba0-78c651172708: ResourceInUse: You cannot delete an AutoScalingGroup while there are instances or pending Spot instance request(s) still in the group.
failed to delete asg eks-ranchernodes-18ca910f-6db0-792d-24a5-823c57a93191: ResourceInUse: You cannot delete an AutoScalingGroup while there are instances or pending Spot instance request(s) still in the group.
failed to delete asg eks-ranchernodes-88ca910e-f774-e284-49da-d5accb2a955b: ResourceInUse: You cannot delete an AutoScalingGroup while there are instances or pending Spot instance request(s) still in the group.
failed to delete security group sg-024eba46d06b17221: failed to delete security group sg-024eba46d06b17221: DependencyViolation: resource sg-024eba46d06b17221 has a dependent object
failed to delete security group sg-061d7bce8ddc76d73: failed to delete security group sg-061d7bce8ddc76d73: DependencyViolation: resource sg-061d7bce8ddc76d73 has a dependent object
failed to delete cloudformation stack auto-eks-gh-runner-hp-ci-hcsxn-node-instance-role: failed to wait for cloudformation stack auto-eks-gh-runner-hp-ci-hcsxn-node-instance-role to delete: ResourceNotReady: failed waiting for successful resource state
failed to delete cloudformation stack auto-eks-gh-runner-hp-ci-mdqdf-node-instance-role: failed to wait for cloudformation stack auto-eks-gh-runner-hp-ci-mdqdf-node-instance-role to delete: ResourceNotReady: failed waiting for successful resource state
failed to delete cloudformation stack auto-eks-gh-runner-hp-ci-mdqdf-eks-vpc: failed to wait for cloudformation stack auto-eks-gh-runner-hp-ci-mdqdf-eks-vpc to delete: ResourceNotReady: failed waiting for successful resource state
failed to delete cloudformation stack auto-eks-gh-runner-hp-ci-hcsxn-eks-vpc: failed to wait for cloudformation stack auto-eks-gh-runner-hp-ci-hcsxn-eks-vpc to delete: ResourceNotReady: failed waiting for successful resource state