This is the next generation Ghostery Browser for Android based on Firefox.
To build this project follow these instructions. Please, notice that the
modified Mozilla Firefox source code is inside the mozilla-release
before running any command from the link above, you should enter the
folder (cd <project_root_folder>/mozilla-release
The build process is divided in 5 main steps:
Dependencies installation
Performed by the
./mach bootstrap
command. It is a one time operation and it will install all the extra software you need to properly compile the software. -
Config file creation
is the file where you can specify all the build options. An example of how to configure the Firefox build system to pick up a folder can be found here and in<project-root>/mozconfigs
. -
Performed by the
./mach build
command. You have to run this every time you change themozconfig
file. -
Performed by the
./mach package
command. It prepares (and translates) the resources to be included in the final APK and build it. You have to run this every time you change a resource file (i.e. translations). -
Performed by the
./mach install
command. It rebuilds the APK and pushes it to an attached device or emulator.
Here is a list of utility scripts you can find inside the utils
It makes easy to run an emulator from the command line by presenting a list of the already available emulators (i.e. those created using Android Studio).
It forwards the port 6000 to the Firefox debug socket if it exists. It will ask for the branding you want to connect to (i.e. Cliqz, Ghosthery, etc.).
This script builds a multi locale apk given the branding and the desired architecture (i.e. arm, x86).