$ python -V
Python 3.5.6 :: Anaconda, Inc.
- First thing first create a Space in the DigitalOcean cloud, Click here to know how to create Space.
- After creating a space, you will have ACCESS_ID, SECRET_KEY and URL (ex: https://nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/[space_name])
- Let's create an environment variables so that we don't expose the access and secret keys in the code
To set a variable you can simply run export
command in the Terminal. ex: export ACCESS_ID=accessid_from_digitalocean
. But this is temporary and works with only the current terminal session. To set this permanently for all the future terminal sessions we need to add export command to the ~/.bashrc
file which is located in the home directory.
Now let's add the all keys to the .bashrc file. Open .bashrc file and add the below lines with your own keys.
sudo -H gedit ~/.bashrc
# Keys for uploading files to DigitalOcean Space
you notice we have added curly braces which we will be replacing in our python script.
Execute source ~/.bashrc
command after updating the above lines to .bashrc file and now you should be able to access this from your script/terminal.
git clone https://github.com/reddimohan/mongodb-backup-digitalocean-spaces.git
Install the required python libraries used in python scripts.
By executing the backup.sh
shell file will take the backup based on the current date and uploads to the DigitalOcean spaces.
sh /path/to/backup.sh school_db
snapshotting the db school_db and creating archive
2019-04-02T12:42:29.114+0530 writing school_db.results to
2019-04-02T12:42:29.114+0530 writing school_db.students to
2019-04-02T12:42:29.114+0530 done dumping school_db.results (0 documents)
2019-04-02T12:42:29.114+0530 done dumping school_db.students (0 documents)
Switching directory to /home/mohan/mongodb_backups/020419
Compressing /home/mohan/mongodb_backups/020419/school_db DB to /home/mohan/mongodb_backups/020419/school_db.tar.gz
Removing school_db folder from /home/mohan/mongodb_backups/020419 Dir
Uploading /home/mohan/mongodb_backups/020419/school_db.tar.gz to cloud
*** Listing the backup files from the DigitlOcean cloud ***
file /school_db/backup_020419.tar.gz - (0 MB) stored as STANDARD
*** End ***
You can run this script manually or can setup cron job to automate this process.